Short Bio


  • 1979: engineer diploma obtained from Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble (ENSIEG) with specialization in nuclear engineering

  • 1980: diploma of advanced studies (DEA) in Control and Signal Processing from ENSIEG

  • 1982: doctoral thesis in Control and Signal Processing from ENSIEG. Advisor: Jean-Louis Lacoume. Title: application de l'opérateur Cepstre en présence d'échos.

  • 1982-1984: post-doctoral studies at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan, with Prof. Matsui (Environmental Engineering) and Prof. Imai (Signal Processing).

  • 1997: habilitation thesis (HDR) from Université Paris VI, Paris, France. Advisor: Jean-Yves Jaffray. Title: Mesures et intégrales floues en analyse multicritère et reconnaissance des formes.


  • 1984-1989: research engineer at Thomson-Sintra Activités Sous-Marines, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.

  • 1989-1991: researcher at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan and Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering Research (LIFE project), Yokohama, Japan.

  • 1991-1993: research engineer at Thomson-Sintra Activités Sous-Marines, Arcueil, France.

  • 1993-1999: research engineer at Central Research Laboratory of Thomson CSF, Orsay, France.

  • 2000-2002: associate professor at Université Paris VI, Paris, France.

  • 2002-2006: professor at Université Paris I, Paris, France.

  • 2006- : full professor at Université Paris I, Paris, France. Associate member of Paris School of Economics.

  • 2014-2019: member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)

  • 2019- : honorary senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)


  • co-Editor-in-Chief of 4OR (Quarterly Journal of Operations Research) (February 2016 - )

  • associated editor of Order (June 2020 - )

  • associated editor of Journal of Dynamics and Games (February 2018 - )

  • associated editor of Mathematical Social Sciences (January 2014 - )

  • associated editor of Annals of Operations Research (april 2010 - )

  • associated editor of Operations Research and Decisions Quarterly (November 2010 - )

  • associated editor of Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making (2001 - )

  • guest editor with E. Algaba, R. van den Brink and F. Steffen of Vol. 301 (June 2021) of Annals of Operations Research: Game Theoretical Models and Applications -- SING 14

  • former associated editor of 4OR (January 2009 - February 2016)

  • former associated editor of TOP (Journal of the Spanish Society for Statistics and Operations Research) (May 2012 - December 2019)

  • former associated editor of RAIRO.RO (2005 - 2019)

  • former associated editor of IEEE Tr. on Fuzzy Systems (1998 - 2015)


  • co-organizer of the 38th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory (Set Functions in Games and Decision), February 5-8, 2019 (

  • organizer of the 7th SING Congress (Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory) in July 2011 in Paris (about 200 participants).

  • co-organizer of the 3d Int. Workshop “Models of Influence and Networks Theories” (MINT3), May 2012, Paris.

  • organizer of the OSGAD meetings (Ordered Structures in Games and Decision) (one-day international seminar with about 30 participants, organized in University of Paris I) every year since 2007 (

  • co-organizer of the regular seminar MDOD (Mathématiques Discrètes, Optimisation et Décision) (every two weeks) (

  • member of the Program Committee of the Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory


  • Head of the MicroEconomic Group at Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne

  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Labex MME-DII


  • french (mother tongue)

  • fluent in english and japanese

  • german

  • beginner in polish