
Working Papers

"To Russia with love? The Impact of Sanctions on Elections" (with J. Hinz and R. Gold). CESifo Working Paper No. 11033. 2024. Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of the European Economic Association

Work in Progress

"Religious Practices and Voting" (in preparation, coming soon)

"Bureaucrats and Politicians: was Weber right?" (in preparation)

"Cultural Traits and Project Performance" (in preparation)

"Social Media and Firm Creation" (in preparation)

  Published Papers

"Internal Migration Networks and Mortality in Home Communities" (with R.Durante). European Economic Review (Volume 140, November 2021). (link)[latest version; online appendix; (old) CEPR Covid Working Paper]

Abstract: Can migration networks harm their home communities? Looking at the spread of a virus in Italy and using pre-determined province-to-province migration, excess mortality and mobile phone tracking data, we document that provinces with a greater share of migrants in outbreak areas show lower local mobility (information mechanism), but also a greater population inflow from outbreak areas (carrier mechanism). For a subset of localities, the net effect on mortality is negative. However, for the average locality, the effect is positive and large, suggesting that the migrants' role as information providers is trumped by their role as virus carriers. The effect is quantitatively important as it accounts for 60\% of virus deaths outside outbreak areas.

“Ethnic Geography: Measurement and Evidence” (with R.Hodler and A.Vesperoni). Journal of Public Economics  (Volume 200, August 2021). (link)

    [NES Working Paper 253 (2019); CEPR Discussion Paper 12378 (2017)]

“Ethnic Favoritism: An Axiom of Politics?,” (with Luca, R.Hodler, P.Raschky) Journal of Development Economics (Volume 132, May 2018, Pages 115-129). (link)

[CEPR Discussion Paper 11351; ungated version here]

"Land Property Rights and International Migration: Evidence from Mexico,” Journal of Development Economics (Volume 110, September 2014, Pages 276-290). (link)

Older Papers

“Corrupt Bureaucrats: The Response of Non-Elected Officials to Electoral Accountability” (link)

“Resource Windfall and Local Government Behavior: Evidence from a Policy Reform in Indonesia” (joint with O.Olsson). 2015. SWOPEC Working Paper No.635. 

“Quantifying Ethnic Cleansing: An Application to Darfur” (with O.Olsson). 2010. SWOPEC Working Paper No.479. 

 “Ethnic Diversity, Economic Performance and Civil Wars”. 2010. SWOPEC Working Paper No.433.