Water Quality Management (6 CFU, Fall term, University Roma Tre):
Course Syllabus
- Overlook on water pollution issues (Novotny-Olem, pages 1-67); point source vs diffuse pollution; examples case studies of water pollution; parameters and life relevant element cycles; physical parameters.
- Physical parameters (total solids classification); chemical parameters (Chapra, part 4, pages 345 - 351)
- Dissolved oxyhen, nitrogen, phosphorus (Thomann-Mueller ch 6; pages 261 - 275); eutrophycation (Thomann-Mueller ch 7; pages 385 - 397)
- Variables, models, reactions; quality model use (Chapra, part 1, lecture 1); reactions; temperature effect (Chapra, part 1, lecture 2); temperature effects; stechiometry (Chapra, part 1, lecture 2)
Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTR) or fully mixed reactors
- mass balance of a CSTR (with sedimentation) - Chapra, part 1, lecture 3; residence time and transfer function; steady state solution; CSTR, with no loading. Half-life time (Chapra, part 1, lecture 3); CSTR: analytical solutions: dirac function (Chapra, part 1, lecture 4); CSTR: analytical solutions: step function, linear function, exponenzial loading. Linearity and effect superposition (Chapra, part 1, lecture 4); Feedforward systems of reactors; two layer stratified lakes; dispersion coefficient. Feedback systems of reactors
- Chapra, part 1, lecture 5 and 6; Chapra lecture 31 (CSTR exercises 1-2-3-4)
Water quality models and management
- Model structures. Applied hydology techinques: design hyetograph, infiltration (lecture notes)
- dry weather and rainfall wate quality. Water quality. First foul flash. Build-up and wash-off (lecture notes)
- Water quality management: combined use of sewer overflows and sedimentation tanks. Design criteria (lecture notes)
- Multi-purpose reservoirs. Best Management Practises
- Storm Water Management Model (software)
- exercise: first flush tank for sedimentation
Water quality in rivers
- PFR (Plug Flow Reactors) models. Stationary conditions. Comparison with CSTR models (Chapra, part 2, lecture 9)
- MFR (Mixed Flow Reactors) models. Stationary advection/dispersion equations. Peclet number. Limit cases (no advection, no dispersion, no decay) (Chapra, part 2, lecture 9 )
- Non stationary PFR/MFR models. Random walk and Gaussian inverse function (Chapra, part 2, lecture 10)
- Organic matter degradation without reaeration. BOD ultimate and BOD5 (Chapra, part 4, lecture 19)
- Reaeration: physical process and empirical equations. Organic matter degradation with reaeration (Chapra, part 4, lecture 19; lecture 20.2 and 20.3)
- Streeter-Phelps equations and analysis. Anoxic conditions (Chapra, part 4, lecture 21)
- Application of Streeter-Phelps equations. Multiple point sources (Chapra, part 4, lecture 21)
- Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus: models for concentration assesment (Chapra, part 4, lecture 23/24)
Chapra, S. (1997) Surface Water-quality modeling, . MCGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-011346-5
Novotny V (with H. Olem) (1994): Water Quality: Prevention, Identification and Management of Diffuse Pollution, Van Nostrand-Reinhold Publishers, New York, NY, USA
Thomann, R.V., Mueller, J.A. Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control