
Scuola Normale Superiore

Quantum thermodynamics meets quantum computation

Pisa, Oct 7-10, 2024

Lindsay Bassmann Oftelie, Michele Campisi, Vittorio Giovannetti, Organisers

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

Openness as a resource: Accessing new quantum states with dissipation

Dresden Jan 31- Feb 04, 2022

Michele Campisi, Sergiy Denisov, Peter Hänggi, Coordinators

Ettore Majorana Centre and Foundation for Scientific Culture, International  

School of Statistical Physics. 7th Course, M. Campisi and P. Hänggi, Directors: 

4th Quantum Thermodynamics Conference. Erice, Italy. May 8-13 2016


--- "...This conference was a great success with over 80 participants attending, of which over 60% were Early Stage Researchers.  The conference consisted of informative and valuable discussions together with interesting and engaging presentations..." ---  The administrators of  COST action MP1209 "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime", main sponsor of the conference.

Ettore Majorana Centre and Foundation for Scientific Culture,

 International  School of Statistical Physics. 6th Course, M. Campisi and P. Hänggi, Directors

 New Horizons in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics. Erice, Italy. October 26-30 2015