
Growth and income convergence

2022 Convergence and Divergence: New Approach, New Data and New Results (with G. Di Vaio and J. Zeira), Macroeconomics Dynamics, 26(4), 945-978.

2018 Labor Productivity Growth: Disentangling Technology and Capital Accumulation (with M. Del Gatto and C.F. Parmeter), Journal of Economic Growth,  23,(1) 111-143. 

2017 Decomposing Changes in the Conditional Variance of GDP Over Time (with S. Amini and C. Parmeter), Economic Modelling, 61, 376-38.

2013 Clustering and Polarization in the Distribution of Output: A Multivariate Perspective (with C. Parmeter),  Journal of Macroeconomics,  35 , 144-162.

2012 GDP Clustering: a Reappraisal (with C. Parmeter), Economics Letters, 117(3), 837-840.

2010 Institutions and Geography: Empirical tests of Spatial Growth Models for the regions of Europe (with G. Arbia and G. Di Vaio), Economic Modelling, 27(1), 12-21.

2008 A spatially-filtered mixture of β-convergence regressions for European regions, 1980-2002 (with G. Di Vaio), Empirical Economics 2, 121-135.

Technology adoption, productivity and institutions

2022 Skill Biased Technical Change and Labor Market Inefficiency (with M. Del Gatto and C.F. Parmeter), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 139, 104428.

2021 Do Robots Complement or Substitute for Older Workers? (with A.F. Gravina), Economics Letters, 208.

2021 Is the productivity premium of internationalized firms technology-driven? (with F. Belloc and M. Del Gatto), Empirical Economics, 60, 3069–3102.

2020 Labor productivity and firm-level TFP with technology-specific production functions (with F. Belloc and M. Del Gatto), Review of Economic Dynamics, 35, 283-300.

2018 Technology and Labor Regulations: Theory and Evidence (with A. Alesina and J. Zeira), Journal of Economic Growth,  23(1), 41-78.

2015 Unbundling technology adoption and tfp effects: do firm’s intangibles matter? (with F. Belloc and M. Del Gatto),  Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 24(2), 386-410.

2013 Flexible Wage Contracts, Temporary Jobs and Firm Performance: Evidence from Italian Firms (with G. Vallanti), Industrial Relations,  52(3), 736-763.

Inequality and Human Capital

2023 Will the last be the first? School closures and educational outcomes (with G. Maggio), European Economic Review, forthcoming.

2020 World Interest Rates and Inequality: Insight from the Galor – Zeira Model (with T. Fioroni and A.M. Lavezzi), Macroeconomics Dynamics, 24(5), 1042-1072.

2020 Modeling return to education in heterogeneous populations. An application to Italy, in Springer Series Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge (with. S. Ingrassia, A. Mazza and A. Punzo), ed. by F. Greselin, L. Deldossi, L. Bagnato, M. Vichi, 121-131.

2015 The Effects of Fiscal Redistribution (with J. Zeira), in Inequality and Growth: Patterns and Policy, Volume 1: Concepts and Analysis, Basu, K. and J. Stiglitz (eds), Palgrave Mc Millan

2015 Politica fiscale, distribuzione del reddito e povertà, in Cittadinanza generativa: la lotta alla povertà (with J. Zeira), Fondazione Emanuela Zancan, rapporto 2015, Il Mulino BOLOGNA.

2013 Reassessing Segmentation in the Labour Market: an application for Italy 1995-2004, Bulletin of Economic Research, 65(S1), s38-s55.

Economics of Crime

2022 Taking care of everyone’s business: interpreting Sicilian Mafia embedment through spatial network analysis (with A.M. Lavezzi and R. Musotto), Global Crime, 23(2), 171-192. 

2022 Shooting Down the Price: Evidence from Mafia Homicides and Housing Prices (with G. Bernardo, A.M. Lavezzi, G. Maggio), Papers in Regional Science, 101(3), 659-683.

2020 Inequality, social mobility and organized crime: evidence for Italy 1985-2015. In Determinants of Organized Crime and Terrorism, (with G. Bernardo, A. Kostantinidi, A. Kourtellos and A.M. Lavezzi) ed. by Savona, E., J. Weisburd, B. Hasisi, F. Calderoni, Springer-Verlag publisher.

2018 Resisting the Extortion Racket: an Empirical Analysis (with A.M. Lavezzi, L. Masserini and M. Pratesi), European Journal of Law and Economics, 46, 1-37.