For up to date information and links to our neuroscience publications, please visit the lab website.

Below is a list of my papers in computer science (please note that I am no longer actively involved in research on these topics for quite some time). 

Strong order-preserving renaming in the synchronous message passing model   [PDF]
Michael Okun,
Theoretical Computer Science 411(40-42), 3787-3794 (2010).

On the round complexity of Byzantine agreement without initial set-up    [PDF]

Michael Okun,

Information and Computation 207(12), 1351-1368 (2009).

Randomized gossip algorithms for maintaining a distributed bulletin board with guaranteed age properties    [PDF]

Lior Amar, Amnon Barak, Zvi Drezner and Michael Okun,

Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience 21(15), 1907-1927 (2009).

Renaming in synchronous message passing systems with Byzantine failures    [PDF]

Michael Okun, Amnon Barak and Eli Gafni,

Distributed Computing 20(6), 403-413 (2008) (special issue dedicated to the DISC 20th anniversary).

See also Renaming in message passing systems with Byzantine failures   [PDF]

Michael Okun and Amnon Barak,

Proc. 20th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), pp. 16-30, September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden.

Efficient algorithms for anonymous Byzantine agreement   [PDF]

Michael Okun and Amnon Barak,

Theory of Computing Systems 42(2), 222-238 (2008).

Byzantine agreement   [PDF]

Michael Okun,

Encyclopedia of Algorithms, Springer 2008.

On the power of impersonation attacks    [PDF]

Michael Okun,

Proc. 21st International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), pp. 494-495, September 2007, Lemesos, Cyprus.

The full version of this brief announcement is available at arXiv. (Unfortunately I never got to updating it according to the reviewers' comments).

An on-line algorithm for fair-share node allocations in a cluster    [PDF]

Lior Amar, Amnon Barak, Ely Levy and Michael Okun,

7th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), pp. 83-91, May  2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

On approximation of the vertex cover problem in hypergraphs   [PDF]

Michael Okun,

Discrete Optimization 2(1), 101-111 (2005).

Agreement among unacquainted Byzantine generals   [PDF]

Michael Okun,

Proc. 19th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), pp. 499-500, September 2005, Krakow, Poland.

Atomic Writes for data integrity and consistency in shared storage devices for clusters    [PDF]

Michael Okun and Amnon Barak,

Future Generation Computer Systems 20(4), 539-547 (2004).

A preliminary version appeared in

Proc. 5th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), pp. 286-292, October 2002, Beijing, China.

A new approach for approximating node deletion problems    [PDF]

Michael Okun and Amnon Barak,

Information Processing Letters 88(5), 231-236 (2003).

On node state reconstruction for fault tolerant distributed algorithms    [PS]

Michael Okun and Amnon Barak,

21st Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), pp. 160-168, October 2002, Osaka, Japan.