Scientific Literature

All Time Favourites

Selected Books on Quantum {Computation; Information; Simulation; Error Correction}

See also excellent lectures by David Gottesman at Perimeter Institute: Quantum Information Review, Quantum Error Correction.

Selected Books on CFT

Selected Papers on CFT

Selected Books on String Theory

Selected Books on AdS/CFT

Selected Books on Vertex Algebras


I have not mentioned in this list any books on QFT, because none of them really satisfy me.
To tell you the truth, this subject is maybe the most difficult of all things I have ever studied.
, I will provide a few well-known sources.

As an introduction one can use these materials:
Tong; Zee; Srednicki; McMahon, Clarkson&McKeaon; L. Landau, E. Lifshitz, Vol.3, Chapter IX.

My favourite book on QFT:

Books for theorists:
Peskin&Schroeder; Itzykson&Zuber; Weinberg; Coleman (Aspects of Symmetry + Physics 253 notes); Bjorken&Drell.

More good books:
Alvarez-Gaume; Quigg; Bailin&Love.

In David Tong's lectures on QFT one can find a full set of useful conventions.

'Demystified' series

While the series' title has a touch of humour in it, do not yet be deceived. This is a collection of high-quality, even though somewhat informal, texts.
Often trading technicalities for pivotal ideas, these books serve as worthy prolegomena to their areas.
Especially helpful are the books by David McMahon on QFT and Strings and by Patrick Labelle on Supersymmetry.

Selected papers on Quasi-Exactly Solvable Models in QM

Selected papers on Resurgence
(Large orders of Perturbation Theory, Multi-instantons, Trans-series, Stokes phenomenon,
Borel-Ecalle Summability, Lefshetz thimbles, Ghost-instantons, Uniform WKB, Holomorphy etc.)

Selected papers on supersymmetric sigma models and related topics (thanks to Jin Chen)

A good list of references on Scholarpedia.

Selected materials on Quantum Information

Selected papers on other topics