z/OS Freeware

Change Dataset Control Block (CDSCB)

Updated to utilize External Security Manager (ESM)

Dataset Audit Facility (DAF)

Version 1.4.8

Reads standard IBM SMF records

Generates detailed dataset audit trail reports based upon user supplied selection criteria

Global Resource Serialization (GRS) ISPF Interface

Version 1.4.2

Provides an interactive view of the GRS queue utilizing ISPF dialog manager services

A high level resource list is displayed based on user specified selection criteria

From the high level resource list, individual resource details can be accessed


Version 1.3.0

Dataset Attributes



Duplicate Modules

Post CLPA Modules

These programs are packaged in TSO XMIT format and compressed in ZIP format. You must have a program on your PC that can process zip files.

    • Download name.ZIP file to PC

    • Extract name.XMI file from name.ZIP file on PC

    • Upload name.XMI file to MVS using a binary file transfer method (no CRLF or ASCII translation) and that the MVS dataset created is LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80,RECFM=F,DSORG=PS

    • Receive the name.XMI file on MVS

        • Issue command: TSO RECEIVE INDATASET(name.XMI)

        • When prompted by message "INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +":


DA(name.of.your.library) UNIT(unit) VOLUME(volume)

Note: The UNIT() and VOLUME() operands are optional but shown in case your installation puts RECEIVE files on work packs by default like mine does

    • Follow the instructions in the name member of the PDS