Sinn Féin the Workers' Party

The Human Rights Party ~ The Feminist Party ~ The Green Party ~ The Leftist Party ~ The LGBTQIA+ Party ~ The Irish Party

Sinn Féin the Workers' Party represents a broad collective of political ideas and activism united by a common desire to serve and protect the vastly broader collection of individuals affected by government action and inaction. Who does this include? Everyone.

SFWP believes in inclusion, solidarity, and equality. We are a party which understands the work done today, for better or worse, will be inherited by the next generation. We understand that the work done in Ireland plays a role in human rights worldwide, that we are an island, but we are not alone. We understand that without actively listening to and supporting feminist work, we are confining ourselves to outdated models and furthering inequality, abuse, ignorance, and alienation. We understand that environmental issues are more pressing than they have ever been, that they are also rights issues, and that infrastructure or policy which only serves our immediate interests will fail us sooner rather than later. We understand that the work done in Dublin must elevate the voices of the communities across Ireland, and not push them out.

We are a party steeped in the history of the left and the struggle for Irish freedom. We are also the party looking to support the struggle for equality and freedom among the disenfranchised across the spectrum of race, religion, politics, sexuality, gender, class, geopolitical boundaries or any other line which may be used to divide, disenfranchise, or oppress.

We are Sinn Féin the Workers' Party. We are your party.

The struggle for women's rights in Ireland has been fraught with a few highs among far too many lows. The recent referendum competes with suffrage as perhaps the greatest height. However, with the upcoming election, it is the next government which will have much of the influence over what resulting legislation sees the light of day.

It is our belief this election will be the most important in a generation for exactly this reason. We will be using the pulpit of the election to point to women's rights at every possible juncture, to implore the electorate, the youth, the media to turn their minds and their energies to the policies of the candidates in light of the referendum. Speak up, no matter your party. Speak for young women, speak to them, and give them a place to stand and speak to others.

SFWP fully supports a woman's right to choose and we will be working with any party willing to joing that struggle and listen to what the medical establishment, the figures, and women all across the globe have been telling us for years: reproductive rights are human rights, they must be upheld.

The victory in banning onshore fracking is still fresh in many minds, even following the move to divest public money from fossil fuels shines bright around the world. And well it should. The struggle for the environment, though increasingly one of the most broadly supported struggles in polls still faces enormous challenges getting through opposition from the government, from special interests, and from massive multinational corporations.

Still, it is important to note that what is seen is easier to fight than what is unseen. When we divest public money from fossil fuels we divest money we have rights to track and report on. When we ban onshore fracking we protect our most visible, understood and cherished landscapes and species, which is, in many ways, easier than protecting those undersea.

SFWP is committed to bringing environmental protections to Irish waters in step with those we have chosen on land. We are committed to bringing any private money to public light and demanding that corporate interests uphold environmental values in line with those of the Irish people.