Cameo creations

Mrs. Caphlin by George Romney

Elizabeth, The Duchess of Devonshire

by Sir Joshua Reynolds

I was told these pictures, called Cameo Creations, were produced back in the twenties and thirties but I have not been able to find any references to verify that. I was able to find links to an interesting biography of the Countess of Blessington and a gallery of works by the artists George Romney, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Sir Thomas Lawrence. If you have additional information about Cameo Creations, the ladies in these portraits or the artists, particularly the artist of the Hubak Lady portrait, please e-mail me so I can update my page.

The Countess of Blessington

by Sir Thomas Lawrence R.A.

Hubak Lady

Miss Conyngham by Sir Thomas Lawrence

Lady Louise Fitzgerald by Vincent Nesbert

Lady Louise Fitzgerald and the country lass in blue called simply "Innocence" were the first pair of Cameo Creations that I purchased. I noticed on Ebay that another portrait of "Innocence" in a frame made of similar material was said to be dated 1934. Now that I have acquired a few more Cameo Creations, I am surprised by the casual portrait of the country girl since all the others I have found so far appear to be formal portraits. Another work by Jean-Baptiste Grueze, "A Boy with his Dog", displays a similar tenderness. Called "morality in paint", the French artist was known for his genre paintings with a moral message. I also found a link to other works by artist Franz Xavier Winterhalter. His portrait of Madame Rimsky-Korsakov is absolutely breathtaking.

"Innocence" by Jean-Baptiste Grueze

Duchess de Montessque by F.X. Winterhalter

Unknown Girl by Antonio Allessandria

Mrs. Richard Knight by Robertson

The two Cameo Creations above and the two below appear to be a little more recent than the portraits with composite frames. I have also learned that the company that produced these portraits was called Georgian Miniatures.

Countess Grosvenor by Sir Thomas Lawrence R. A.

Baroness Von Krudener by Joseph Steiler

Grafin Szchenyi-Seilern by M.M. Daffinger

Mme. Recamier by Gerardt

I began collecting Cameo Creations in 1994 when I found two portraits at a local flea market. At the time I did not realize there was such a variety of subjects, frame styles and even objects including mirrors, wall shelves and candlesticks that featured the distinctive ornate style highlighted by portraits of women primarily from the 18th and 19th centuries. I have purchased some for as little as $6 but they average $12 - $22 for the 7 1/2" size depending on where you find them and the type and condition of the frame, the glass, and the image. I eventually discovered that they are often auctioned up on Ebay and have obtained several in this way including the four portraits featured on this page. The majority, however, I have found at flea markets and in scattered antique shops. I have also found Ebay to be a valuable reference source. I have purchased some portraits that no longer bear the identifying sticker but by looking at others offered for sale on Ebay I have been able to identify mine.

Maria Cosway by John Smart

Mary by C.E. Leslie R.A.

Anna Louise de Bourbon by Jean Marc Nattier

Louise Henriette de Bourbon by Jean Marc Nattier

I found the pair of portraits above in an antique shop in a small farm town about half way between Hutchinson and Dodge City, Kansas. These portraits are much larger than the average - 11" high compared to 5 - 7 1/2" high for most portraits I have found. Although I find these portraits beautiful, I actually prefer the smaller ones just because of available wall space.

Countess Hochnstein by Vincent Nesbert

after Carl Ferdinand Stelzner

Portrait de Jeune Fille by P. A. Hall

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