General information:

I am an Assistant Professor at Leiden University (tenured). My research revolves around algebraic geometry. My pure research interests include derived algebraic geometry, logarithmic geometry, Topological Quantum Field Theories. My applied research is in algebraic graphic statics in collaboration with the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania where I am a research associate. 

I co-organize two seminar series in Leiden: the Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminar and the Non-Commutative Geometry Seminar

Furthermore, I am a study advisor for the Master's program of the algebra group in Leiden. If you would like to contact me as a study advisor, please use this email address: study_advisor_agn at

My current and former PhD students are:

Francesca Leonardi 2021-

Jesse Vogel 2020-2024

If you would like to contact me, please use the following email address: hablicsekhm at