
Project: NEW! BEA Distribution of Personal Income


"The Polarization of Personal Saving", with Robert Martin (BLS). BLS  Working Paper #575. June 2024. Accepted at Review of Income and Wealth

"When do Property Taxes Matter? Tax Salience and Heterogeneous Policy Effects," (2023) with Jeremy Moulton, Kelly Wentland, and Scott Wentland. Journal of Housing Economics

“Killer Cities and Industrious Cities? New Data and Evidence on 250 Years of Urban Growth” with Remi Jedwab (2022) Journal of Economic Geography. Web Appendix.

"Do Transfers Lower Inequality Between Households? Demographic Evidence from Distributional National Accounts"  (2022) Economic Inquiry

PDF and Web Appendix 

"Accounting for Land in the U.S.: Integrating Physical Land Cover, Land Use, and Monetary Valuation” (2020) with Z. Ancona, J. Boyd, K. Bagstad, J. Hass, J. Moulton, and S. Wentland, Ecosystem Services

"Improving the measure of the distribution of Personal Income" with David Johnson, and Dennis Fixler (2019) AEA P&P Web Appendix

"Testing the acculturation of the 1.5 generation in the United States: Is there a "critical" age of migration?" (2019) Review of Economics of the Household Web Appendix

"Demography, Urbanization and Development: Rural Push, Urban Pull... and Urban Push?" (2017), with Luc Christiaensen (World Bank) and Remi Jedwab (GWU),  Journal of Urban Economics Web Appendix

"Determinants of Bilingualism Among Children: An Econometric Analysis"  (2016) with Barry R. Chiswick

Review of Economics of the Household  Online Appendix

(IZA Discussion Paper #8488)

Working Papers/Manuscripts under Consideration

Nowcasting Distributional National Accounts for the United States: A Machine Learning Approach", with Gary Cornwall (BEA), BEA Working Paper 2024-6; GWU H.O. Stekler Research Program on Forecasting 2024-003.

Slides presented at Federal Forecasters Conference (May 2024). "When the Price is Right: Home Value Misperception and Mismeasurement", with Scott Wentland (BEA) and Paul Carrillo (GW). Updated Fall 2023.

“Returns to Homeownership and Inequality: Evidence from the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit”, with Jeremy Moulton, Kelly Wentland, and Scott Wentland. Updated Summer 2024

"The Feasibility of a Quarterly Distribution of Personal Income", with Dennis Fixler and Bob Kornfeld, BEA Working Paper 2021-8, December 2021.

"Measuring Inequality in the National Accounts", with Dennis Fixler and David Johnson, BEA Working Paper 2020-3, March 2020.

Modeling and Forecasting Income Inequality in the United States” BEA Working Paper

Chapters in Books

"Distributing Personal Income: Trends Over Time" (2020), with Dennis Fixler and David Johnson, forthcoming chapter in NBER-CRIW Volume, "Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth". NBER Working Paper #26996.

"Valuing Housing Services in the Era of Big Data: A User Cost Approach Leveraging Zillow Microdata" (2020), with Scott Wentland and Jeremy Moulton, NBER-CRIW Volume, "Big Data for Twenty-First Century Economic Statistics"

“Determinants of Bilingualism among Children” in Bridging Linguistics and Economics (2020) (ed. Vigouroux, Cécile and Mufwene, Salikoko). Cambridge University Press.

"Poverty and Shared Prosperity in Uruguay" with O. Barriga Cabanillas Maria Ana Lugo, Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán, and Lilian D. Sousa, in Shared Prosperity and Poverty Eradication in Latin America and the Caribbean (ed. Cord, Genoni, and Rodriguez Castelan), Washington, D.C.: World Bank. License: CC By 3.0 IGO

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