1 MFOA Registration

MFOA Registration begins Summer, 2018.

There are several components that must be submitted to the MFOA Secretary for your 2017-2018 registration to be processed.

You cannot be booked if you are not properly registered.

You may click on the links in these instructions, or the files at the bottom of the page may be downloaded.

1) Completed and signed Registration form (covers all sports) or ONLINE REGISTRATION THROUGH ARBITER (ARBITER REGISTRATION). Please be aware of the changes to the registration forms.

(NOTE: The Independent Contractor Form is no longer signed separately. You agree that you are an Independent Contractor upon registration.)

Link to MFOA Registration Form

Link to MFOA Registration Packet

2) Completed and signed IRS W-9 form. This is needed even if you register online. Link to IRS W-9 with instructions

3) Mandatory State Contractor's Badge for proof of your Jessica Lunsford Act clearance (even if you have submitted it before). An example of proof is a photocopy of the badge that was issued to you. YOU MUST OBTAIN THE STATE BADGE. Badges issued from specific county school systems will no longer be accepted.

4) Payment of membership dues and booking fees.

If you register online, your payment will be made by credit card, and you are responsible for the service fee.

OR…Make checks payable to: Mid-Florida Officials’ Association or MFOA.

NOTE: Rookies do pay membership dues but are required to pay booking fees.

5) Link to School Scratch Form: You must scratch schools if your child attends/attended, you attended, you or a close family member work(s)/worked within the last 4 years.

Also, don’t forget to register with the FHSAA at www.fhsaa.org by going to the officials’ page.

Returning officials go to https://officials.fhsaa.org.

New officials, go to https://officials.fhsaa.org/Register.aspx to register for a new account online

FHSAA and MFOA registration deadlines are as follows:

Football TBD

Basketball TBD

Softball TBD

Baseball TBD

Flag Football TBD

Failure to complete registration by a deadline will result in a late fee.

Thanks for your cooperation. Have a great season!