

  1. A decade of nudging: what have we learned? Danish Journal of Economics (Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift), 2021:1, Invited submission, Paper

  2. Applying for jobs in the lab: The effect of risk attitudes (joint with Justin Sydnor). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Volume 79, April 2019, Pages 165-179. DOI information:

  3. Nudging in Education (joint with Helena Skyt Nielsen). Economics of Education Review, Volume 64, June 2018, Pages 313-342. Paper. IZA Discussion Paper No 11454. DOI information:

  4. The Hidden Cost of Nudging: Experimental evidence from reminders in fundraising (joint with Christina Gravert). Journal of Public Economics, Volume 157, January 2018, Pages 15-26. Paper and Online appendix. DOI information: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2017.11.005. Press coverage: DR Viden March 2017, Science News March 2017, Aarhus Panorama February 2016, Chronicle of Philantrophy May 2016.

  5. Labor market search effort with reference-dependent preferences Economics Letters, Volume 156 (2017), pp 99-101. DOI information: 10.1016/j.econlet.2017.04.016. Paper

  6. Now or Never! The Effects of Deadlines on Charitable Giving: Evidence from Two Natural Field Experiments (joint with Christina Gravert). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 66 (2017), pp. 78-87. Paper and Technical Appendix. Completely revised version of Aarhus University Economics Working Paper 2014-03. Press coverage: Radio interview DR P4 October 5, 2014.

  7. The Economics of Cartels: Incentives, Sanctions, Stability and Effects, invited publication in Journal of European Competition Law and Practice (2011) 2(4): 405-413 (joint with Paula Ramada, Gavan Conlon and Moritz Godel)

Book chapters

  1. Behavioural Economics and Nudging in Education: Evidence from the Field (joint with Helena Skyt Nielsen). In S. Bradley and C. Green (eds.) Economics of Education (Second Edition), Chapter 2, pages 21-35, Academic Press, 2020, ISBN 9780128153918,

  2. Forgetful or reluctant? Evidence on reminder response and donor behavior from panel data (joint with Christina Gravert and Laura Villalobos) in The Economics of Philanthropy: Donations and Fundraising (Kimberley Scharf & Mirco Tonin eds.), CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, 2018.

Working papers

  • Time preferences and medical adherence: A study of pregnant women in South Africa (joint with Kai Barron, Christina Gravert & Lisa Norrgren) Paper

Work in progress

  1. Who Wants to Retire Early? Evidence From Contribution Decisions to an Early Retirement Fund at the Age of 30

  2. The Economics of Deadlines (joint with Juanna Schrøter Joensen)

  3. Nudge me! Response to and demand for healthy habit reminders (joint with Kai Barron & Christina Gravert)

Commissioned work

  1. Does Nudging Change Educational Decisions? (joint with Helena Skyt Nielsen) EENEE Policy Brief 1/2017.

  2. The use of nudges and other behavioural approaches in education (joint with Helena Skyt Nielsen) EENEE Analytical Report; Nr. 29, 2017.

  3. Essays in Applied Behavioral Economics. Institut for Økonomi, Aarhus Universitet, 2016. 207 s. (ECON PhD Dissertations; Nr. 2016-14).

  4. Hvad er behavioural economics? (with Julia Nafziger and Alexander Koch), Konkurrence og Forbrugerstyrelsen (KFST), 2013.

  5. Baggrundsnotat om behavioural economics (with Julia Nafziger and Alexander Koch), KFST, 2013.

  6. Casesamling: Anvendelse af indsigter fra behavioural economics, (with Julia Nafziger, Alexander Koch and Dan Nguyen), KFST 2013