Network Analysis

Resources for Network Analysis


Borgatti, S., Everett, M., & Johnson, J. (2013). Analyzing social networks. SAGE Publications Limited.

Hanneman, R. A., & Riddle, M. (n.d.). Introduction to social network methods. Riverside, CA: University of California, Riverside.

Wasserman, S. (1994). Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences). (H. Johnston & B. Klandermans, Eds.) (1 edition, Vol. 4, p. 857). Cambridge University Press.


Bonacich, P. (1987). Power and Centrality: A Family of Measures. The American Journal of Sociology, 92(5), 1170–1182.

Brewe, E., Kramer, L., & Sawtelle, V. (2012). Investigating student communities with network analysis of interactions in a physics learning center. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 8(1), 1–9.

Bruun, J., & Brewe, E. (2013). Talking and learning physics: Predicting future grades from network measures and Force Concept Inventory pretest scores. Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res., 9, 020109.

Quardokus, K., & Henderson, C. (2014). Promoting instructional change: using social network analysis to understand the informal structure of academic departments. Higher Education, 70(3), 315–335.




