I - Metalinspekt d.o.o. is distributor for NDT equipment for ATG products (in Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Montenegro) - company from Chez Republic.
ATG produce industy lines for air/auto industry and other metal products. These lines have combined equipment for UT, PT, MT & EC.
ATG produce also many other smaller products for all NDT metods.
ATG represent also companies/products such as:
& etc.
You can order from us "used/second hand" equipment from ATG. We are here to help You and provide quality.
II - Metalinspekt d.o.o. represent films & chemicals from FOMA company from Chez Republic (in Albania, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Montenegro).
FOMA produce industial & non-industrial films and chemicals for industrial and medical purpose.
We can offer You different kind of industrial films such as R7 (same as D7 or C5) up to R2 (same as D2 or C1) with various chemicals.
III - Metalinspekt d.o.o. is distributer for PFINDER company from Germany (in Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Montenegro).
PFINDER Chemie produce aerosols & industrial packages of chemicals for MT & PT .
IV - Metalinspekt d.o.o. represent BALTEAU company from Belgium (in Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Montenegro).
BALTEAU produce all kind of portable up to stacionary X-ray tubes with all other devices...
V - Metalinspekt d.o.o. represent OSERIX company from South Africa/Belgium (in Albania, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Montenegro).
OSERIX produce all kind of RT equipment with all other devices... for Se/Ir&Co sources plus Gamma sources! .
VI - Metalinspekt d.o.o. represent STARMANS company from Chez (Balkan region).
Starmans produce all kind of UT equipment...