Teaching experience


Currently, I am working as an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Kristiania University College, Oslo, Norway.

Research fellow, Brunel University London, UK (2017-2019). My responsibilities include publications, technical development, and support in pan European project (orizon 2020 NEWTON) hosted in the Department of Computer Science.

Assistant professor, Aksum University, Ethiopia (2009-2016). My key responsibilities are teaching, research, and community services in Computer Science. I taught postgraduate courses like distributed systems, software project management, artificial intelligence, data science, and mobile application development. In addition, I was involved in master thesis advising and evaluation.

Lecturer, Mekelle University, Ethiopia (2004-2009). My responsibilities include teaching, research, and community services in computer science. I taught undergraduate courses like functional programming, object oriented programming, data structures and algorithms, software engineering, and computer networking.

Graduate Assistant, Mekelle University Ethiopia (2000-2004). My key responsibilities are tutoring computer science, and assisting in computer labs. Programming fundamentals in C/C++, numerical methods in C++, object oriented programming in Java, databases, and computer networking are among the courses which I tutored.


I have collaborated with three PhD students towards achieving their respective project objectives and in support of their supervisor- in the areas of Wearable devices, user experience, and multi-sensory stimulation and experiences (mulsemedia), at Brunel University, London, UK.

Supervised masters thesis on “Integrating Expert Systems into Medical Diagnosis in Tigrai Health Institutions: the case of Malaria”. A thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Information Technology, Department of Computing Technology, College of Engineering Technology, Aksum University Ethiopia.

Supervised masters thesis on “Improving the Decision Support Capability of ERP Systems in Textile Industry in Tigray Region: A Kaizen-based Framework”. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Science in Information Technology.

Supervised masters thesis on “Integrating Expert System for Diagnosis and Rectification of Yarn Faults in Tigrai Textile and Garment Industries”. A thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Information Technology, Presented for Department of Computing Technology, College of Engineering and Technology, Aksum University.

I have also supervised a number final year projects for bachelor students in Computer Science and Information Technology.


I have reviewed 15+ conference and journal articles in various topics including- multiple sensorial media (Mulsemedia), Web services, image retouching using retouching parameter statistics, semantics, on-body interaction and directional gestures, flipped classroom and problem-based learning, mobile learning using intelligent agents, and resource-saving in high performance computing. Additionally, I have participated in five masters theses evaluation committee in the capacity of a chairperson as well as member.