Merrimack Valley Bird Club

The Merrimack Valley Bird Club has been exploring the Merrimack Valley and North Shore of Massachusetts since 1948.  We are a welcoming club that is open to all who have an interest in birding the northeast Massachusetts area. New members are welcome. Bring binoculars and/or spotting scopes if you have them!

Executive Committee

MVBC is a member of the Association of Massachusetts Bird Clubs.

Membership information can be found here

Contact for other information about the club!

If weather impacts a walk, members will be notified by email and the website updated.  If in doubt, check with the Club President (978-944-0655).

Check out our Facebook page here

Browse our Christmas Bird Count records for several years.

Found a place you’d like to share for a bird walk?
If you are willing to lead a walk in a new location, send a suggestion for a date/time to birdclub.merrimackvalley@gmail and we’ll share it with the members.  Interested members will be directed to contact you and it will be up to you set it up and lead the walk.

Fall 2023 President's Message

The Club has been experiencing a shortage of walk leaders and reduced attendance.  From the survey we did last winter it appears that the Club members would like to keep walks closer to home (which is mostly Andover), start later in the morning, and perhaps do shorter walks. Therefore, the officers of the Club decided to make the following changes.

Donna Cooper
President - MVBC