On the morning of April 19, 1775, the landscape of the North American continent would be forever changed. A revolution began between the colonists, that were currently inhabiting this land that migrated over from Europe, and the British empire. King George had finally pushed the colonists a bit too far. Just over 225 years ago, that still mysterious shot 'heard around the world' was fired on the green in Lexington, Massachusetts, putting in motion a series of events that we now refer to as the American Revolution. A time in our country's history that would shape the strengths, beliefs and landscape of this continent, even to this very day.
So please, take a moment, and explore a bit of our country's heritage and learn about the Menotomy Minute Men. Many will tell you that the most important encounters of that now infamous day took place in Concord and Lexington, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, that's not quite true. A good portion of the fighting was actually done in the small village of Menotomy, now currently named Arlington, Massachusetts. It was in the village of Menotomy that local minute men, joined by those from towns as far away as Danvers, engaged in combat with the retreating column of British solders under the command of Lord Percy as they tried to make it back to Boston. Jason Russell, a local of the village, gave the ultimate sacrifice along with numerous other towns folk as they made a last ditch effort to thwart off the British column at Russell's home.
Who are the Menotomy Minute Men?
In colonial days, Menotomy (Meh-NOT-o-mee, from the Indian word for "swift running water") was the second precinct of Cambridge, on the road west to Concord and Menotomy's Minute Men under Captain Benjamin Locke were the first to answer Revere's midnight alarum. Later that day, when the British were forcing their way back from Concord and Lexington toward Boston and passed through Menotomy for the second time, it became "... the bloodiest half-mile of all the Battle Road." More redcoats and patriots were killed and wounded in Menotomy that day than in all other towns combined. Long overlooked Menotomy, now Arlington, is where the action really was on April 19, 1775.
The present day Menotomy Minute Men organized in 1971 to "perpetuate the memory and achievements" of their town's Minute Men in 1775 and adopted the shield shown as their distinguishing emblem as well as a graphic representation of their community's heritage. The outline is, of course, from a traditional tavern sign of which there were several in Menotomy including Tuft's, Copper's and The Black Horse. Eleven stars below the ancient name recall the eleven Old Men of Menotomy who intercepted a British wagon convoy headed for Concord that morning and so seized "the first prisoners and stores to be taken as a result of forcible attack in the Revolution." The tri-corn hat symbolizes the minute men and militia of 1775, the musket recalls their crude weapons, and the powder horn denotes their limited supplies and meager resources.
The lower three stars commemorates three Menotomy men who perished in the town that day: Jason Russell, Jason Winship, and Jabez Wyman. April 6 set the date in 1775 in which Reverend Samuel Cook, preaching especially for the Menotomy Minute Company, exhorted them "to defend our rights, dearer to us than our lives." It is also the date in 1971, on which the Selectmen of Arlington, by proclamation, called for "the mustering anew of our ancient militia to be known as The Menotomy Minute Men." The shield itself appears on the flag on The Menotomy Minute Men and was designed by the wife of a member.
Membership in the Menotomy Minute Men is open to all who would like to celebrate and recreate the spirit of 18th century life and the deeds of America's first heroes. The company represents the people of Arlington ( then Menotomy ) of the 1775 period.
The company is an active group, participating in Battle Reenactments, Parades, Living History Programs, and Fife & Drum Musters. Menotomy is a family organization.
Each month the company holds a meeting at the Jason Russell House. We meet the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm, with the exception of the month of July, in which there is no meeting (please see the calendar). If you'd like to stop by, you are more than welcome to attend.
The company itself is made up of the following units:
Related web sites and other resources about the American Revolution
To find out what events will be attending, please see our calendar of events.
If you like would more information about our company, or would be interested in joining, please send an email to Menotomy Minutemen at outlook.com.
Thanks for visiting our web site and keeping the spirit of our country's forefathers alive!
Contact Information
Menotomy Minute Men
7 Jason St.
Arlington, MA 02476-6409
Directions to the Jason Russell House
Follow @MenotomyMinutemen on Twitter
or like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/menotomyminutemen
For more information on the Jason Russell House, please visit The Arlington Historical Society.