Major Publications

1. Ge, M., Hong, J. and Kim, D. S.: Proactive Defense Mechanisms for the Software-Defined Internet of Things with Non-Patchable Vulnerabilities. Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 78 (2), pp. 568-582, 2018.

2. Ge, M., Hong, J., Alzaid, H. and Kim, D. S.: Security Modeling and Analysis of Cross-Protocol IoT Devices. In proceedings of the IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS workshop, International Symposium on Security, Privacy and Trust in Internet of Things, pp. 1043-1048, 2017.

3. Ge M., Kim, H. and Kim, D. S.: Evaluating Security and Availability of Multiple Redundancy Designs when Applying Security Patches. In proceedings of the 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks RADIANCE Workshop, June 2017.

4. Ge, M., Hong, J., Kim, D. S. and Guttmann, W.: A Framework for Automating Security Analysis of the Internet of Things. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 83, pp. 12-27, April 2017.

5. Ge, M., Choo, K-K. R., Wu, H. and Yu, Y.: Survey on key revocation mechanisms in wireless sensor networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 63, pp. 24-38, Mar. 2016.

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