Apostolou, M. (2020). The evolution of same-sex attraction. Springer.
Apostolou, M. (2017). Sexual selection in Homo sapiens: Parental control over mating and the opportunity cost of free mate choice. New York: Springer.
Apostolou, M. (2016). Feeling good: An evolutionary perspective on life choices. New York: Rutledge.
Apostolou, M. (2014). Sexual selection under parental choice: The evolution of human mating behaviour. Hove: Psychology Press.
Apostolou, M. (2022). Catch me if you can: Strategies for hiding infidelity. Personality and Individual Differences, 189.
Apostolou, M. & Tsangari, S. (2022). Why people are single: The big five as predictors of involuntary singlehood. Personality and Individual Differences, 186.
Neocleous, G., & Apostolou, M. (2021). Financial recession as a predictor of stress in human service professionals: The case of Cyprus. International Social Work, 64(1), 74–84.
Apostolou, M. (2019). Desire for sexual variety in the Greek cultural context. Cyprus Review, 31, 53-64.
Wang, Y. & Apostolou, M. (2019). Male tolerance to same-sex infidelity: A cross-cultural investigation. Evolutionary Psychology, 17(2).
Panagiotopoulos, C., Apostolou, M. & Zachariades, A. (2019). Assessing migrants’ satisfaction from health care services in Cyprus. A nationwide study. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 16, 108-118.
Apostolou, M. (2018). Are women sexually fluid? The nature of female same-sex attraction and its evolutionary origins. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 4, 191–201.
Apostolou, M., (2018). The evolutionary origins of same-sex attraction: Assessing weak negative selection and positive selection arguments. Mankind Quarterly, 59,171-196.
Apostolou, M. & Christoforou, C. (2018). The evolution of same-sex attraction: Exploring women's willingness to have sex with other women in order to satisfy their partners. Personality and Individual Differences, 124, 135-140.
Apostolou, M. & Christoforou, C. (2018). Same-sex attraction and contact in an opposite sex partner: Exploring sex, religiosity, porn consumption and participation effects. Personality and Individual Differences, 131, 26-30.
Apostolou, M. & Hadjimarkou, M. (2018). Domains of motivation in men and women for initiating and terminating procreation in an evolutionary perspective. Marriage & Family Review, 54, 486-506
Apostolou, M. & Shialos, M. (2018). Why men hunt and women gather for recreation? An evolutionary perspective. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 4, 8-16.
Apostolou, M., Shialos, M., Kyrou, E., Demetriou, A. & Papamichael, A. (2018). The challenge of starting and keeping a relationship: Prevalence rates and predictors of poor mating performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 122, 19-28.
Apostolou, M. & Wang, Y. (2018). Parent-offspring conflict over mating in Chinese families: Comparisons with Greek Cypriot families. Evolutionary Psychology, 16.
Apostolou, M., Wang, Y. & O, J. (2018). Do men prefer women who are attracted to women? A cross-cultural evolutionary investigation. Personality and Individual Differences, 135, 31-39.
Neocleous, G., Erzeybek, B., & Apostolou, M. (2018). Unfolding ageism: A comparative study of the divided ethnic communities in Cyprus. Social Sciences, 7, 233.
Apostolou, M. (2017). Implications of the Neolithic revolution for male-male competition and violent conflict. Mankind Quarterly, 58, 3-24.
Apostolou, M. (2017). Individual mate choice in an arranged marriage context: Evidence from the Standard Cross-cultural Sample. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 3, 193-200.
Apostolou, M. (2017). Is homosexuality more prevalent in agropastoral than in hunting and gathering societies? Evidence from the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 3, 91-100.
Apostolou, M. (2017). Stay away, but I may need your help! Mate choice and manipulation of prospective parents-in-law. Personal Relationships, 24, 323–335.
Apostolou, M. (2017). The nature of parent-offspring conflict over mating: From differences in genetic relatedness to disagreement over mate choice. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 3, 62-71.
Apostolou, M. (2017). Why people stay single: An evolutionary perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 111, 263-271.
Apostolou, M. (2017). Why sexual plasticity in women is unlikely to be an adaptation to reduce conflict in polygynous marriages. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 329–330.
Apostolou, M. & Lambrianou, R. (2017). What motivates people to do and watch sports? Exploring the effect of sex, age, partner status, and parenthood. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 3, 20-33.
Apostolou, M., Shialos, M., Khalil, M., & Paschali, M. (2017). The evolution of female same-sex attraction: The male choice hypothesis. Personality and Individual Differences, 116, 372-378.
Apostolou, M. & Wang, Y. (2017). In-law preferences in China: What parents look for in the parents of their children’s mates. Evolutionary Psychology, 15, 1474704917723913.
Neocleous, G. & Apostolou, M. (2017). Human sexuality: Views and perspectives among Cypriot social workers – A compass to human sexuality education. International Social Work, 60, 1548–1563.
Wang, Y. & Apostolou, M. (2017). In-law preferences in China and in Cyprus: Differences and similarities. Evolutionary Psychology, 15. 1474704917725303.
Wang, Y. & Apostolou, M. (2017). Parental in-law preferences for similarity in China. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 4, 98-110.
Koktsides, P. & Apostolou, M. (2016). Ethnic federalism and power-sharing in Cyprus: Motives, constrains and preconditions. Mediterranean Quarterly, 27, 105-134.
Apostolou, M. (2016). An evolutionary account of the prevalence of personality traits that impair intimate relationships. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 140-148.
Apostolou, M. (2016). In-law preferences: Do fathers and mothers agree on what they want in a daughter-in-law and in a son-in-law? Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2, 189-198.
Apostolou, M. (2016). The evolution of same-sex attractions: Parental and intimate partners' reactions to deviations from exclusive heterosexual orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 380-389.
Apostolou, M. (2016). Size did not matter: An evolutionary account of the variation in penis size and size anxiety. Cogent Psychology, 3, 1147933
Apostolou, M. (2016). Sexual selection and the opportunity cost of free mate choice. Theory in Biosciences, 135, 45-57.
Apostolou, M. (2016). The evolution of female same-sex attractions: The weak selection pressures hypothesis. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 10, 270-283
Apostolou, M. (2016). Understanding the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in women: An evolutionary perspective. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2, 26-43.
Apostolou, M. & Athanasiou, M. (2016). I want to watch this! An evolutionary perspective on the popularity of sports. Psychological Topics, 25, 281-297.
Apostolou, M. Chari, I., Lefkides, C., Theophanous, I. & Khalil, M. (2016). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: The case of divorce. Personality and Individual Differences, 99, 286–294.
Neocleous, G. & Apostolou, M. (2016). Happiness in old age in and out of nursing homes: The case of Cyprus. International Social Work, 59, 533–544.
Apostolou, M. (2015). Accept my choices, but I will not accept yours! Children's tactics of mate choice manipulation. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 9, 129-129.
Apostolou, M. (2015). Female choice and the evolution of penis size. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44, 1749-1750.
Apostolou, M. (2015). I am right for your child! Manipulation of prospective parents-in-law. Human Nature, 26, 378-391.
Apostolou, M. (2015). Inter-parental disagreement over in-law choice. Personal Relationships, 22, 285-298.
Apostolou, M. (2015). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: Domains of agreement and disagreement. Evolutionary Psychology, 13 Retrieved from
Apostolou, M. (2015). Past, present and why people struggle to establish and maintain intimate relationships. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 9, 257-269.
Apostolou, M. (2015). Sexual dysfunctions in men: An evolutionary perspective. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1, 220-231.
Apostolou, M. (2015). The athlete and the spectator inside the man: A cross-cultural investigation of the evolutionary origins of athletic behavior. Cross-Cultural Research, 49, 151-173.
Apostolou, M. (2015). The evolution of sports: Age-cohort effects in sports participation. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13, 359-370.
Apostolou, M., Kasapi, K. & Arakliti, A. (2015). Will they do as we wish? An investigation of the effectiveness of parental manipulation on mating behavior. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1, 28-36.
Apostolou, M., & Zacharia, M. (2015). Parental choice in children’s minds: Exploring personality, sex and age contingencies. Social Influence, 10, 168-179.
Apostolou, M., & Zacharia, M. (2015). The evolution of sports: Exploring parental interest in watching sports. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1, 155-162.
Apostolou, M., Zacharia, M. & Frantzides, N. (2015). Children’s tactics of mate choice manipulation: Exploring sex differences and personality effects. Personality and Individual Differences, 80, 6-11.
Neocleous, G., Apostolou, M. & Spaneas, S. (2015). Misleading perceptions with ethnic minorities: The case of Pontiac Greeks in Cyprus. European Scientific Journal, 8, 77-.87.
Apostolou, M. (2014). Parental choice: Exploring in-law preferences and their contingencies in the Greek-Cypriot culture. Evolutionary Psychology, 12, 54-72.
Apostolou, M. (2014). Sexual selection under parental choice: A revision to the model. Theory in Biosciences, 133, 111-115.
Apostolou, M. (2014). Sexual selection in ancestral human societies: The importance of the anthropological and historical records. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 8, 86-95.
Apostolou, M. (2014). The context-dependent expression of the predisposition to control mating. Current Anthropology, 55, 765-766.
Apostolou, M. (2014). We want them to be like us! Exploring in-law preferences for similarity in family background. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 12, 135-148.
Apostolou, M., Frantzides, N. & Pavlidou, A. (2014). Men competing - men watching: Exploring watching pattern contingencies in sports. International Journal of Sport Communication, 7, 462-476.
Apostolou, M. & Papageorgi, I. (2014). In-law choice and the search for similarity. Personality and Individual Differences, 66, 106-111.
Apostolou, M. & Papageorgi, I. (2014). Parental mate choice manipulation tactics: Exploring prevalence, sex and personality effects. Evolutionary Psychology, 12, 588-620.
Apostolou, M., Philippou, D., Andronikou, Z., Argyridou, K., Kasapi, K., Kourouklari, I. & Antoniou, A. (2014). Divergence between in-law and mate preferences: Evolved predispositions or socialization and experience effects? Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 57-61.
Apostolou, M. (2013). Do as we wish: Parental tactics of mate choice manipulation. Evolutionary Psychology, 11, 795-813.
Apostolou, M. (2013). Interfamily conflict, reproductive success and the evolution of male homosexuality. Review of General Psychology, 17, 288-296.
Apostolou, M. (2013). Parent-offspring conflict over mating and the evolution of mating-control institutions. The Mankind Quarterly, 54, 49-74.
Apostolou, M. (2013). Parent-offspring conflict over marital age and the age of a spouse. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 11, 5-16.
Apostolou, M. (2013). Parents do matter! A reply to Johnson and Strout. Journal of Integrated Social Sciences, 3, 60-66.
Apostolou, M. (2013). The evolution of rape: The fitness benefits and costs of a forced-sex mating strategy in an evolutionary context. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18, 484-490.
Apostolou, M. (2013). The parental choice branch of sexual selection: Re-examining the evolution of mating behavior. Journal of Integrated Social Sciences, 3, 37-54.
Panagiotopoulos, C., Pavlakis, A., Apostolou, M. (2013). Family burden of schizophrenic patients and the welfare system: The case of Cyprus. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 7, 13.
Apostolou, M. (2012). Circumventing parental choice and the evolution of rape. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 1331-1333.
Apostolou, M. (2012). Parent-offspring conflict over the age of procreation: A life-history perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 52, 733-737.
Apostolou, M. (2012). Sexual selection under parental choice: Evidence from sixteen historical societies. Evolutionary Psychology, 10, 504-518.
Panagiotopoulos, C., Pavlakis, A., Apostolou, M. (2012). Improving mental health services through the measurement of attitudes and knowledge of mental health professional and the general population in Cyprus. International Journal of Mental Health, 41, 30-46.
Apostolou, M. (2011). A reply to Sarah Strout and Rosemarie Chang: Tracing the roots of parent-offspring conflict over mating. Journal of Integrated Social Sciences, 2, 32-39.
Apostolou, M. (2011). Inheritance as an instrument of parental control over mating. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28, 374-382.
Apostolou, M. (2011). In-law preferences in a post-industrial society: What parents want in an in-law and how this differs from what their children want in a spouse. Family Science, 2, 186-195.
Apostolou, M. (2011). ‘Oh my child, what an inappropriate spouse for you!’: Asymmetrical preferences and parent-offspring conflict over mating. Social & Personality Psychology Compass, 5, 285-295.
Apostolou, M. (2011). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: A replication and extension study. Journal of Integrated Social Sciences, 2, 13-26.
Apostolou, M. (2011). Parental influence over mate choice in a post-industrial context. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 2, 13-15.
Apostolou, M. (2011). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: Testing the tradeoffs hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology, 9, 470-495.
Apostolou, M. (2011). Why men collect things? A case study of fossilised dinosaur eggs. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32, 410-417.
Apostolou, M. & Georgiou, S. (2011). Parent-offspring conflict over short-term mating strategies. Interpersona, 5, 134-148.
Apostolou, M. (2010). Bridewealth as an instrument of male parental control over mating: Evidence from the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 8, 205-216.
Apostolou, M. (2010). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: The case of mating age. Evolutionary Psychology, 8, 365-375.
Apostolou, M. (2010). Parental choice: What parents want in a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law across 67 pre-industrial societies. British Journal of Psychology, 101, 695-704.
Apostolou, M. (2010). Sexual selection under parental choice in agropastoral societies. Evolution and Human Behavior, 31, 39-47.
Apostolou, M. (2009). Parent-offspring conflict over the age of prospective spouses. Social Behavior and Personality, 37, 1305-1306.
Apostolou, M. (2009). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: Τhe case of mating strategies. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 895-899.
Apostolou, M. (2009). Parental in-law and individual mate choice co-evolution: Do parents and offspring prefer in-laws and spouses who are acceptable to each other? Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 3, 201-215.
Apostolou, M. (2008). Bridewealth and brideservice as instruments of parental choice. Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 2, 89-102.
Apostolou, M. (2008). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: The case of beauty. Evolutionary Psychology, 6, 303-315.
Apostolou, M. (2008). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: The case of family background. Evolutionary Psychology, 6, 456-468.
Apostolou, M. (2007). Elements of parental choice: the evolution of parental preferences in relation to in-law selection. Evolutionary Psychology, 5, 70-83.
Apostolou, M. (2007). Sexual selection under parental choice: The role of parents in the evolution of human mating. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28, 403-409.
Chapters in Books
Apostolou, M. (in preparation). Parental influence over mate choice. In D. M. Buss (Ed), Handbook of human mating. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Apostolou, M. (2021). Parental influence over mate choice and sexual selection. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds), The Oxford handbook of evolutionary psychology and parenting (pp. 155-170). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Apostolou, M. (2020). Cross-cultural research. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds), Handbook of evolutionary psychology (pp. 311-323). London: Sage.
Apostolou, M. (2020). Parent-offspring conflict. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds), Handbook of evolutionary psychology (pp. 155-169). London: Sage.
Neocleous, G, Panagiotopoulos, C. & Apostolou. M. (2018). Financial recess as a predictor for stress on human service professionals: The case of Cyprus. In C. Panagiotopoulos (Ed.), Financial crisis and social work (pp. 79-95). Mauritius: LAP Lambert.
Apostolou, M. (2016). Vigilance over kin’s romantic relationships. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. New York: Springer. Advance Online Publication
Apostolou, M. (2013). Human Sexual Strategies: Short-term Mating and Parental Control over Mate Choice. In M. Nakamura & T. Ito (Eds), Human and Animal Mating: Strategies, Gender Differences and Environmental Influences (pp. 75-88). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Apostolou, M. (2013). Parental influence through social structures: How social institutions are used to promote parental control over mate choice. In P. Barberis & S. Petrakis (Eds.), Parenting: Challenges, practices and cultural influences (pp. 137-149). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Apostolou, M. & Zacharia, M. (2013). Sexual selection under parental choice: Mating strategies and reproductive success. In R. M. Geldani & M. A. Davin (Eds.), Sexual selection: Evolutionary perspectives, mating strategies and long-term effects on genetic variation (pp. 93-108). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Apostolou, M. (2012). Parental control over mating across cultures and across time. In Q. G. Fry & C. O'Donnell (Eds.), Psychology of power, (pp. 137-148). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Apostolou, M. (2010). Parent-offspring conflict over mating: Current advancements, future directions. In K. S. Pearlman (Ed.), Marriage: Roles, Stability and Conflicts (pp. 153-171). New York: Nova Science Publishers.