

Fred (Frieden Ignatievich) Korolkevich


Fred Korolkevich (Friden Ignatievich) was born in Novosibirsk in 1923. As a young man he experienced war, was wounded and sent back away from the front. During the war, he was a tractor driver working in the fields. Later he worked in the organising committee of restoration of town in Latvia Elgava.

As a result of his extraordinary organising skills and practical experience, he was sent to improve the cinema industry in Latvia. After 1 year of his work, Riga’s studio became the second-best studio in the Soviet Union. Young cameramen and daring filmmakers had a chance to create extraordinary films that won international prizes under Fred’s supervision.

In the 60s he met Gretta Lanzetti who became his wife and they settled in Moscow.

In Russia Fred worked as the manager of the studio “Diafilm”, then in the” Centre of scientific Film” and Publishing House “Poster”. Everybody who worked with him was impressed by his extraordinary human qualities and great organisational skills.

During his retirement, he devoted most of his time to his favourite subject: physics. He published several books on his theory of subquantum: “Etudes on light” and others. He became a member of the Moscow Society of Natural Science. Physics was his passion and he worked till his last days.

We present here the last article that Fred was working on.



For many years light was thought to be the rays coming out of our eyes which in turn threw the light on things that we see.

Aristotle disagreed. He thought if the sight was provided by the rays coming out from the eyes then why not we would see in the dark.

Plato regarded light as an ephemeral liquid. Epicurus and Lucretius suggested that the finest images got separated from the objects themselves and that is how we see them.

According to Democritus sight was caused by small atoms emitted by the objects.

Presently light is understood as electromagnetic waves.

Well-known scientists Michelson, Vavilov and Born accepted the explanation of light as electromagnetic oscillations as a replacement of one problem with another: instead of the mystery of light, we presently have the riddle of electromagnetism, the nature of which we have no the slightest understanding.

But explaining its nature will not solve the mystery of light simply because in comparison with radio waves the light does not have electromagnetism. None of the devices showed anything electromagnetic or magnetic.

In space filled with light as we know there is no thickening of electric or magnetic fields, only the magnetic field of the Earth affect the compass arrow.

Even the shortest frequency radio receiver does not register the longest wave of light.

The Hertz vibrator supposedly proving electromagnetic waves of light produced something that we call “noise”.

After all, light is still considered to be electromagnetic waves.

All this comes out of theories and equations, developed by Maxwell in 1864-1867 and experiments made by Faraday in 1831 in which the magnet caused electric current in the spiral of the semiconductor and the electric current from the battery of elements magnetised the iron core in the spiral.

The electric and magnetic fields induction provided the foundation for the theory and Maxwell equations. In the experiments the source of magnetic field stimulated the substantial source of electric field and vice versa. But there are no substantial sources of the field in the equations.

These experiments were separate and not interconnected with anything. In every experiment the single induction did not divide itself into two simultaneous inductions.

However, in the equations, there were two different inductions occurring in a perpendicular way, simultaneously and intermittently.

In these experiments the fields were not separate from their sources, did not stimulate each other and did not become light. While in the equations the fields are mutually stimulated, for example, the galactic light GRB971214 that takes 12 billion light -years to reach us, completes 10 double inductions per sec.

Consequently, the Faraday experiments did not show the possibility of the existence of the electromagnetic waves, did not prove the possibility of double multiple inductions of electric and magnetic fields.

The Maxwell equations describe those characteristics without experimental proof.

In 1900 Planck invented the quantum character of radiations and a new fundamental constanta – quantum of action. He pointed out its complete incompatibility with the Maxwell and any other electromagnetic theory of light.

That gave the beginning of the atomistic nature of light.

In 1905 Erenfest suggested the existence of tiny energy particles equal to the value of the Planck constanta. Einstein used this suggestion in his explanation of the photo effect.

In 1910 Ioffe proposed that light does not have a flowing structure but consists of the particles that can not be divided i.e. atoms of light.

In 1911 Poincare promoted the Planck constanta as the value of the energy of the atom.

In 1910 and 1924 Planck suggested that every oscillation of the source of light generates one dose of energy equal to the value of the constanta. Experimental facts and calculations proved those suggestions to be well-founded.

Light – the elementary product of oscillation of the source. The amount of oscillations made during the release of the quantum is equal to the doses of energy – the energy of light.

In this way, the photons are distributed in space. The tiniest dimensions of elements of light provide their free travelling although the light is the flow of the atoms of energy.

The length of the photon is described by the multiplication of the velocity of light by the time of its generation. The number of the atoms of energy – by multiplication of this time by the frequency of radiation.

The photon of the orange light, for example, consists of approximately 5 million doses of energy and has a length of almost three meters. In 1960 the length of this photon was established as a standard metre.

The distance between the atoms of light in this photon is equal to 6058 A.

The waves represent the consequential movement of any objects including elements of radiation.

As all photons have those qualities this gives an opportunity to apply the description of optical phenomena to the atomistic content without electromagnetic waves.

Even in 1838, Mac-Cullach developed the equivalent Maxwell equations for an explanation of the physical optics without electromagnetism. The Maxwell equations where fields are variable and the electrical charge is only a symbol can be described by two compact equation of Harry Bateman or just by one single equation of Georgij Zaitsev that has physical sense.

The atomistic structure of light helps the development of science and different solutions to the many existing problems.

For example, the problems of the so-called corpuscularity of light describe the duality of the wave-particle.

Photons of similar frequency influence the receivers of light in a different way.

In Copper, there is complete indifference to the photons. The photons cause electrons to be released in caesium. They are energetic in K and Na and are untraceable in tungsten, gold and platinum. The hidden reason for this is the different time of relaxation, i.e. memory of the receivers of light.

If this memory is shorter than the time of coming atoms of energy, then the receiver manages to release the previous ones and to forget about them. There is no corpuscularity of light in this case. But if the memory is longer than the interval of the time between the accepted doses of energy they reach each other and enhance the pressure of light on the receiver which can be compared with the energetic “hit”. And this phenomenon is explained as corpuscularity of light.

However, it is obvious that three-meter photon of the orange light and all meter photons are neither particles nor elementary particles which enlisted as such.

All this information can be beneficial for the energy industry.

In every cubic cm of space that surrounds us, there are myriads of quanta going through, free, eternal and pure. Tsiolkovsky called for its use.

The experiments and calculations showed that the easily achieved increase in memory of the receivers can improve the effect from the photons to the level of high frequency. This can be observed in nature and opens opportunity in creating an effective energy industry. With antennas use for distant radio communication one can gather and concentrate the energy for heating up electro stations.

The first steps in using light energy are done in Germany and Japan. The physicists in Dubna created a new material- geteroelectric which transforms the energy of light into electrical energy.


Frieden Ignatievich Korolkevich


See Gretta Lanzetti



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