Dr Melvin M. Vopson - welcome to my webpage


Physics academic with a broad spectrum of interest and expertise, having made major scientific contributions in the fields of solid state caloric effects, thin film growth technologies, multiferroic materials and their applications, optical techniques for characterization of solids, development of novel metrologies and innovations based on ferroic materials. 

Current interest revolves around theoretical studies of non-equilibrium phenomena, fundamental physics, information physics, information theory and its applications to physics problems and genetics.

Co-founder and CEO of the Information Physics Institute: www.informationphysicsinstitute.org/

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=09NGMwcAAAAJ&hl=en

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8073-5538

Contact details

School of Mathematics and Physics

University of Portsmouth

Portsmouth PO1 3QL


Email: melvin.vopson@port.ac.uk