

2 patterns for the price of one!


If you’re like me, you’ve got a bunch of little balls or twists of yarn left over from other projects. Some of them are even too small to justify the name ‘odd ball’. You can’t bear to throw them away. You’re sure they’re good for something. And they are! You can use them to make tiny flowers or other embellishments.

This girlie little baby hat is a celebration of femininity that keeps the sun off of bald little baby heads. The flowers can be made with any old scraps of brightly colored (washable) yarn – you only need a couple of yards to make one flower –different weights of yarn will result in different sizes of flowers. Make all the flowers the same, or make them all different. Do whatever your heart (and stash) desires. The 2 row pattern of first slipping stitches, then cabling them as you change from the green to the white creates a grassy effect.


When I was a little girl, I loved to pick daisies and string them together into chains. These daisy chains could then become bracelets, necklaces, or crowns. Relive those whimsical moments by knitting yourself a daisy chain bracelet. If you’re feeling extra silly, make it longer and wear it on your head to proclaim yourself Princess of the Daisies!

Both Patterns for only $3!

Copyright Melissa Dominguez, 2007

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