Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes PRANA or LIFE ENERGY to heal the whole physical body. It also involves the manipulation of energy and bioplasmic matter of the person’s body. (ADOPTED FROM, The Ancient Science And Art Of Pranic Healing, written by GRAND MASTER CHOA KOK SUI).
Pranic Healing uses laws of nature which people do not know or are not aware of. If you understand Pranic Healing, you can see common truths in all religious. Realize the truth.
Pranic Healing involves the transference of life energy.
Prana is the life energy that keeps the body alive and healthy. it is by projecting life energy to a patient that “miraculous healing” occurs.
by remembering you are in an ocean of life energy, your life energy level will automatically increase.
Pranic healing is science. it is based in cleansing and energizing. By cleansing or removing the diseased energy from the affected chakras and organs, and energizing them with sufficient prana, healing takes place.
through Pranic healing you have a deeper understanding of your own religion. through Pranic healing the concepts of interconnectedness and oneness become clearer. just as god is everywhere, god is inside and outside of your muscle.
It’s also important to note that Pranic Healing is non-invasive, requires no physical contact and no drugs or gadgets. Having said that, GMCKS did not devise this as a method to replace medicine and always categorically stated, as do all Pranic Healing instructors, that a visit to a doctor to get proper medical care, when necessary, is a must. Pranic Healing is meant to go hand-in-hand with modern medicine, as it can effectively be combined with other forms of treatment to get the patient in great health in a more speedy, thorough and optimum fashion. That’s the aim — the holistic well-being of the individual. It can also be used for self healing and for distance healing other people even thousand miles away. For developing countries, where millions of people live in poverty and do not have access to proper medical care or doctors, Pranic Healing is proving to be a great blessing.
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui explains: “Life Energy or Prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy”
Principles Behind Pranic Science
The fundamental principles of Pranic Healing are
Principle of Self- Recovery – The innate ability of every living being to heal itself
Principle of Life Force – Healing process can be accelerated by increasing the pranic life force of the individual
How does it work?
Pranic Healing corrects imbalances in the body’s energy field and transfers life force to the patient. This life force can also be characterized as universal energy; it is not the healer’s energy. Trained Pranic Healers access and transmit universal energy to the patient using specific frequencies and techniques for specific diseases and conditions
Pranic Healing is done without touching.
Pranic Healing is a three step process that substantially accelerates the body’s innate ability to heal at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Checking - Scanning for energy abnormalities
Cleansing - Removing energy abnormalities: used to remove dirty or diseased energy in the body and to eradicate blockages in the energy channels
Replenishing and revitalizing with life force- Energizing: the transference of fresh ‘prana’ or life energy to the body and is applied once the cleansing process is completed.To give an example, when we cut our fingers or bruise our legs, our body automatically takes the necessary steps to prevent blood loss and repair the damaged tissues. Our bodies are constantly exposed to a variety of toxins, chemicals and pollutants from the environments we live in but our ‘in-built’ defense system fights of all these germs and protects us. When we are healthy and happy, we feel all charged up and are full of energy. When we are sick or upset, we feel down or drained out. In other words, a healthy body has an abundance of prana while a sick or dis-eased body is low on prana. The healing process of an individual is accelerated by increasing the prana life force in them which is readily available from the sun, air and earth.
Some Benefits of Pranic Healing
In cases of fever, parents can bring down the temperature of their children in just a few hours
Coughs and colds can usually be alleviated in a day
Major illnesses such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems can be partially or substantially relieved in a few sessions
Improved health and increased stamina
Inner peace and happiness
Better memory and concentration
Rapid spiritual growth
Reduced stress
Better interpersonal skills
Greater self-esteem
Attain the ability to attract good luck and become more prosperous
The Law Of Self Recovery
body can heal itself. proved in many journals of science
The Law Of Life Energy
by increasing the life energy level of the body, healing is accelerated. pranic healing accelerates the natural healing process or self recovery functionality of the body.
The Law Of Correspondence
the energy body affects the physical body and vice versa. whatever happens to the energy body tends to manifest physically.
Transference Of Life Force
the body is a living body battery that requires constant recharging. this is done through different means, especially the transference of life force. This is the principle behind the Pranic healing.
What can be healed through Pranic Healing ?
Financial issues
Money problem
Career issues
Health issues
Mental issues
Emotional issues
Psychological issues
Relationship issues
Educational issues
Abundance and Prosperity healing
Confused how this works right!!!! well its very easy to understand. The following are two laws as per GRAND MASTER CHOA KOK SUI, will help us to understand how DISTANT healing works
The Principle Of Interconnectedness
The healer and the patient are interconnected because their Etheric or energy bodies are parts of the earth’s Etheric body. Therefore the Pranic healer can heal the patient at a distance because their energy bodies are interconnected (ADOPTED FROM, The Ancient Science And Art Of Pranic Healing, written by GRAND MASTER CHOA KOK SUI). Similar to modern day smartphones, no wires, nothing but still sound travels through waves and reach other side. Similarly energy too will transfer from one place to another despite there is miles of distant. All these concepts exists in this universe at energy level hence science was able to bring it out with a physical perspective.
The Principle Of Directability
Energy follows thought. If you have thought or create a thought, energy have tendency to flow through the thought. When the healer have intention to clean then the diseased energy will be cleansed when the healer have the intention to energize the client gets the energy (ADOPTED FROM, The Ancient Science And Art Of Pranic Healing, written by GRAND MASTER CHOA KOK SUI). This is as simple as this. No need to get confused about it. It is also similar to blessings. Remember our childhood days, we always take blessings of elders especially when there are EXAMS!!! we recall all elders and specifically go to them and take blessings. Why did you take blessings??. To get sufficient energies to write your exams and to our surprise though we did not prepare well we end up with good grades in our exams. Hence blessings work. Here, the elder has a thought that you will pass your exams and energies are transferred to you via some mantras and blessed words. Hence the blessings worked and concept of PRANIC HEALING is as old as BLESSINGS concept
– Entire Description Adopted from Teaching of
when we were kids we learnt in our science books about law of conservation of energy which states that ” energy is neither created nor destroyed but it is TRANSFORMED FROM ONE FORM TO ANOTHER”. Even science agrees this simple concept of energy. PRANIC HEALING too takes energy from nature (sun, air and earth), transfers it to diseased Organ or Chakra hence transforming the natural energy source to energy with medicinal or healing form which has the capacity to heal. similar to solar energy, transforming energy from sun into electrical energy to light the bulb.