Volunteer Work

  • Hospital Volunteer (1976 - 77) Alta Bates Hospital, Berkeley, CA, 100 hour pin.

  • Blood donor, Japan Red Cross (32 donations to-date since 1988).

  • Trustee of Princeton-in-Asia (Spring 1981) organization that sponsors student internship programs within Asia.

  • Columnist, SIAM News (1994 - 1998) wrote articles on applied mathematics activities and research (mostly about Japan).

  • Web Master for Princeton University Alumni Association, Class of '81 (May 1998 - June 2000).

  • Organizer for Princeton University, Annual US Embassy Event in Tokyo to provide information to students interested in undergraduate studies in the US (2011). Coordinated first-time presence of Princeton at the event. Worked with Admissions Office to recruit more than 10 young Alumnaevolunteers living in Japan.

  • Founding Web Master for Princeton Club of Japan (2011-2012). Negotiated with University for free server and helped establish inexpensive activities for young Princetonians (monthly informal dinners, outdoor activities) and worked with Club to establish a new post: President of Young Princeton Alumnae.

  • Coordinated establishment of fellowship at the University of California at Berkeley (in memory of the late Shoshichi Kobayashi, Professor) for foreign graduate students studying mathematics. Proposed idea and worked with Mathematics Department Chair and Student Fellowship Office to start fund in 2012.

  • Blogger (Oct. 2014 - ), Communications of the ACM: http://cacm.acm.org/blogs/blog-cacm