
This section contains course material created by me. Feel free to use it.

The Economie de la Croissance et de l'Innovation course is given to 2nd-year CentraleSupelec students since 2019-2020.

The Topics in Economic Growth course is given to M2 students of the Master of Economics of Université Paris—Saclay since 2021-2022.

The Economie avancée course was given to 2nd-year Ecole Centrale Paris students until 2018-2019. It addressed several subjects among which general equilibrium theory, game theory, asymmetries of information, corporate governance, econometrics, economic growth, economic history (sic!).

The Microéconomie avancée course was given to 3rd-year Ecole Centrale Paris students of the Industrial Engineering option until 2019-2020.

Another page is devoted to miscellaneous teaching material (courses I was not wholly responsible of, or material of secondary importance).