Books & Movies

For understanding concepts in A Course In Miracles:


Recommended Books I Have Read:

Never Forget To Laugh:

Personal Recollections of Bill Thetford, Co-Scribe of A Course In Miracles

Carol M. Howe

Many Course students will be surprised by much of what is revealed in this very interesting book. For example, did you know that The Course might never have been scribe by Helen without Bill's presence? Also, many think that Bill and Helen must have had their spiritual "stuff" together at the time ACIM was received. This is completely untrue! What is most interesting is how this very flawed, person grew as he practiced The Course! It is a lesson for us all!

Living A Course in Miracles

Jon Mundy

This is an excellent introduction to the concepts in ACIM. Jon speaks from the heart, and with humor! He draws from a great depth of knowledge of the Bible, as well as many Mystical traditions, in a way that makes the Text of ACIM open like flower!

The Disappearance of the Universe

Gary Renard

This is an outstanding introduction to the concepts in ACIM. It is both funny and insightful! This book is packed with Course concepts in and easy to understand form that is both hilarious and memorable . It is rare that reading any book will fully prepared you to start the Workbook Lessons!

Busting Loose from the Money Game

Robert Scheinfeld

This is a practical guide for living your life consistent with the most difficult concept in ACIM, the world is not real! Did you notice that I said practical? He provides tools that work! It is intriguing, challenging and fun.

The Grand Design

Hawking and Mlodinow

God is not necessary to explain the creation of the Universe! Hawking’s newest book explains why modern science agrees with ACIM! If science keeps this up, they may get the whole picture.

The Case for God

Karen Armstrong

There is tremendous value in taking a comprehensive look at the revieled religions from which the Course borrows its expession!

Says the Trade Paperback edition - "The task of religion is “to help us live creatively, peacefully, and even joyously with realities for which there are no easy explanations.” She emphasizes, too, that religion will not work automatically. It is, she says, a practical discipline: its insights are derived not from abstract speculation but from “dedicated intellectual endeavor” and a “compassionate lifestyle that enables us to break out of the prism of selfhood.”.


Movies with Ideas!

The Matrix

How Deep the rabbit hole? This story is about the mind (over matter) and is a cult Sci-Fi Classic!

The Thirteenth Floor

This movie asks us to question our assumptions about what is the "Real World". This is touching mystery thriller!


What is real and when are we experiencing reality? How Deep the rabbit hole, indeed! This is a rocking adventure!

A Beautiful Mind

This is the story of one of the towering geniuses of our time. His journey to discover that his brilliant mind is an unreliable witness, can be helpful to us all!

What the Bleep Do We Know!

This a fun story that shows that science proved that the "real" world is not made up of stuff that acts "real"! The world seems to respond to ideas about our perceptions. Our ideas about the world determine our experience of it! But, our ideas are often at the mercy of our body chemistry. Funny and informative.