Mee Seong Im

Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. 

Stefan Banach

Curriculum Vitae                      Curriculum Vitae (medium length)

ResearchGate ORCID Google Scholar

Zentralblatt MATH Math Reviews                      Mathematics Genealogy

Assistant Professor

Chauvenet Hall, Office 342

Department of Mathematics, USNA

572C Holloway Road

Annapolis, MD 21402-5002

Office: (410) 293-6776

Email: im [at] usna [dot] edu 

Email: meeseongim [the at symbol] gmail [the dot symbol] com 


In Fall of 2024, I am teaching: 

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra: Jon Kujawa (Oregon State University), Julia Pevtsova (University of Washington), Milen Yakimov (Northeastern University), and I are putting together a special issue.  More details to follow.

Contemporary Mathematics: Alessandro Arsie (University of Toledo), Elira Curri (Oakland University), Tony Shaska (Oakland University), and I are putting together AMS's Contemporary Mathematics volume for the sectional meeting in April 2024 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  If you are a speaker and are interested in submitting a manuscript, please contact me.

Springer Series: Megan Breit-Goodwin, Kelly Jabbusch, Kuei-Nuan Lin, and I are the editors for Advances in the Mathematical Sciences volume for the Association for Women in Mathematics. 

Research Interests

Keywords:  geometric and categorical representation theory;  Lie superalgebras;  quantum topology.

Work in Progress.

Universal construction and monoidal categories.

Representation theory of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras.

Representation theory of finite groups and other algebras.

Algebraic geometry, geometric representation theory, and differential geometry.

Quantum programmable computers and related areas.

Nonstandard analysis.

Conference proceedings.

As history proves abundantly, mathematical achievement, whatever its intrinsic worth, is the most enduring of all. 

A Mathematician's Apology, by G. H. Hardy