File Format

Medusa comes together with some sample data files. Below we give a detailed description of the file format that Medusa supports and the snapshots of how this network appears in Medusa application.


1) *edges

This tag indicates that the section that will follow contains information about the edges. The nodes of th edges should be declared in the node section. See below.

2) n2    n1

Nodes that are connected (in this case n2 and n1) should be tab seperated.

3) i parameter

Parameter i  is followed by a single space and then by a value. The values can range from 1-10. This parameter indicates the type of the interaction between two nodes.

For example the right image shows that nodes n1 and n2 are connected with 2 different types of connections. (See line 2 and 3 of the file)

Before this column a tab is required.

4) c parameter

Parameter c  is followed by a single space and then by a value. The values can range from 0-1. This parameter indicates the strength of the connection between two nodes.

For example the right image shows that nodes n1 and n2 are NOT so strongly connected and this is why the color of the nodes appears weaker.

Before this column a tab is required.

5) o parameter

Parameter i  is followed by a single space and then by a value. The values can be >0. This parameter indicates how much curvy the lines between two nodes will be.

For example the right image shows that nodes n1 and n2 have o-value 3. If o parameter equals to 0 ten the line appears as straight.

Before this column a tab is required.

6) *nodes

This tag indicates that the section that will follow contains information about the nodes.

7) n2

The line starts with the node name which is then followed by a tab.

8) X,Y coordinated

Float values are given in two tab delimited columns. these indicate the X and the Y coordinates of the node. In this case for example node n3 has coordinates (0.7220667, 0.3226942)

Before the X and the Y column a tab is required.

9) c parameter

Parameter c  is followed by a single space and then by a triple comma separated value. Each values can range between (0-255) .

This parameter indicates the color of the node in RGB format.

For example, node n1 has color (255,255,0).

Before this column a tab is required.

10) s parameter

Parameter s  is followed by a single space and then by an integer value. Values can range between (0-3) .

This parameter indicates the shape of the node. (0=circle, 1= rectangle, 2=triangle, 3=diamond)

An example is shown on the right image. (See nodes n1, n2, n3, n4)

Before this column a tab is required.

11) a parameter

Parameter a  is followed by a single space and then by a string between " " characters.

This parameter indicates the annotations of the node.

Before this column a tab is required.

12) url parameter

Parameter url  is followed by a single space and then by string between " " characters.

This parameter indicates the URL of the node.

This way predefined link-outs are allowed.

It is not an optional parameter.

Before this column a tab is required.

13) cluster parameter

Parameter cluster  is followed by a single space and then by a integer between " " characters.

The range of the integer can be >0. 

This parameter indicates the pre-definded cluster that a node belongs to.

Pre-defined cluster ca be calculated by external applications not hosted in Medusa.

It is not an optional parameter.

Before this column a tab is required.

14) layer parameter

Parameter layer  is followed by a single space and then by string between " " characters.

This parameter indicates the layer of the node.

It is mainly used to visualize multi-layered graphs or time series data.

It is not an optional parameter.

Before this column a tab is required.