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+27738042313 best fertility pills fertility drugs side effects fertility drugs for twins natural fertility drugs for sale medication to concieve in alabama houston cohoey island Georgia Missouri delaware

It helps to know when you are fertile and able to get pregnant. A woman’s fertile time is usually a few days per month in the middle of her menstrual cycle and

represents the time when a woman ovulates.

There are three ways to track your fertile times: 1) basal body temperature method, 2) calendar method, and 3) cervical mucus method (ovulation method).Many women experience miscarriages or pregnancy losses, or cannot conceive at all (infertility).

Infertility in wocmen an be caused by age, health problems (like PCOS), uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease, and negative lifestyle factors.

Infertility in men may be caused infertility in men are sperm gene defects, negative lifestyle choices (alcohol and drugs), toxins (lead, pesticides), STDs, diabetes, and prostate or testicle problems.

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There are several treatment options for infertile couples including drugs, surgery, intrauterine insemination (artificial insemination), assisted reproductive technology, third party assistance, adoption, and foster care.

If you're a woman with infertility issues, your doctor may prescribe medicine to help you get pregnant. These meds, called fertility drugs, work by causing your body to release hormones that trigger or regulate ovulation -- the release of an egg from your ovary.

Even if you already use another method to boost your chances of getting pregnant, such as in vitro fertilization, fertility drugs are still an important part of treatment.

There are lots of these drugs, but here are the basics on the ones that are most commonly prescribed.

Clomid or Serophene

Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) has been used for more than 40 years. Your doctor may prescribe it if you're not ovulating normally.

Clomid and Serophene, the brand names of clomiphene, are known as estrogen-blocking drugs. They cause the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, located in your brain, to release hormones called GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones trigger your ovaries to make eggs.