
The Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO) is an international conference on statistical physics which takes place every year in a different country of Europe. MECO evolved in the early 1970s with the aim of bridging the gap between the communities of scientists from the Eastern and Western parts of Europe, separated as they were by the iron curtain. Since then, MECO conferences have become the yearly nomadic reference meetings for the community of scientists who are active in the field of Statistical Physics in the broader sense, including modern interdisciplinary applications to biology, finance , information theory, and quantum computation.

Future conferences

MECO 49  will take place in Kranjska Gora (Slovenia) on April 21-25, 2024.


Ralph Kenna 


It is with great sadness that we take leave of Prof. Dr. Ralph Kenna, Deputy Director of the Fluid and Complex Systems Research Centre at Coventry University, UK and founding member and Co-Director of the L4 Collaboration (Leipzig-Lorraine-Lviv-Coventry). He passed away on October 26, 2023. Ralph Kenna was member of the MECO Advisory board for many years. It is due to his initiative that MECO conference was for the first time organized in Great Britain in 2014. Outstanding physicist, devoted teacher, tireless champion of his historical and cultural traditions, a good friend, may he rest in peace.  We express our sincere condolences to his family and colleagues.

MECO Advisory board

Memorial Service for Ralph Kenna. Saturday the 11th of November 2023

MECo board statement 


The advisory board of MECO – Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics is shocked by the actions of the leadership of Russia against Ukraine – a MECO member. This act of violence goes against the values and aspirations of Europe’s scientists who, with the creation of MECO in 1974, sought to overcome the iron curtain that divided Eastern and Western countries.

The invasion of a free country is a brutal attack on the freedom of all nations, communities, and individuals. MECO’s aim is to enable scientific freedom for the academic community as an essential part of peaceful cooperation between countries. Academic freedom is only possible by respecting national freedom. The advisory board therefore calls on the academic community worldwide to maintain and support these values by condemning the actions of Russia’s leadership and calling for the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine with immediate effect.

B. Berche (Nancy), K. Binder (Mainz), Z. Burda (Kraków), A. Cuccoli (Firenze), C. Dellago (Vienna), C. Di Castro (Roma), A. Fedorenko (Lyon), R. Folk (Linz), E. Frey (Münich), M. Henkel (Nancy), Yu. Holovatch (Lviv), A. Gambassi (Trieste), F. Igloi (Budapest), W. Janke (Leipzig), J. Kaupužs (Riga), R. Kenna (Coventry), Z. Neda (Cluj-Napoca), H. Rieger (Saarbrücken), A. Surda (Bratislava), J. Sznajd (Wrocław), S. Trimper (Halle), K. Uzelac (Zagreb).



