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This is a Graduate Lower Level Special Topics Course taught at the Rochester Institute of Technology during Spring 2019 by Dr. P. Venkataraman

Course Description:

Course will emphasize integration of Numerical, Symbolic, Graphical, and Textual Computation in MATLAB in Mechanical Engineering. Topics include MATLAB Graphics, Solving ODEs, Solving PDEs, Coordinate Systems, MATLAB Arrays, Data Handling, Optimization and other miscellaneous topics.


Knowledge of Mechanical Engineering Topics and completed Heat Transfer (MECE 310 )

Course Features: This is the first offering for the course. Your feedback will be very useful and appreciated for subsequent offerings.

  • The course will emphasize hands-on MATLAB programming. Please expect to spend time in writing MATLAB code.
  • The course assumes you are exposed to some MATLAB and that you can use MATLAB in a preliminary way.
  • If you are NOT interested in learning to use MATLAB to solve engineering problems please reconsider your enrollment in the course.
  • Course communication will be through this site - (mycourses only for grades)
  • Please track the course progress through Course Progress link above. It will display lecture discussion, homework, projects and other information including any files.
  • This course expects you to be committed to the KGCOE honesty principles. You can find it here.
  • All project/code developed as part of the projects are expected to be original.
  • There will be weekly Projects which will determine your grade.

Course Objective:

The fundamental objective in this course is to learn MATLAB Programming by using MATLAB to solve problems in Mechanical Engineering.

Just following the lectures will not accomplish this. You must be interested and extend what you learn in class.


Text Books: You should learn a lot in the course through hands-on coding during lectures.

In addition: the following are also available free.

My resources

My eBook on MATLAB- free for registered students if you promise not to share

Basic MATLAB Programming

Math and MATLAB (very old but mostly valid primer on MATLAB Programming)

A MATLAB Course (Old - MATLAB 6 version a - complete course - still valid)

MATLAB and ME - Examples from ME Core Courses) - the links do not work well because the new browsers don't support javascript well.

Symbolic Programming

Other Books

OER Books in Matlab/Engineering (these are free books)

Books listed by MAthworks (may not be free)


The course will develop through the following Topics. In this first version it is likely some topics may not be covered based on the pace of the class since it is hands-on.

Last Edited: Jan 9, 2019