Simple Home Security System

Source Code

/* *final project: home security system * * Created: * Author: MD Fahim Anjum */
#define F_CPU 8000000UL
#define DS1621 0x90 // device address of DS1621, see data sheet
//defines the data direction (reading from I2C device) in i2c_start(),i2c_rep_start() */#define I2C_READ 1
//defines the data direction (writing to I2C device) in i2c_start(),i2c_rep_start() */#define I2C_WRITE 0

#include <avr/io.h>#include "lcd.h"#include <avr/interrupt.h>#include "i2cmaster.h"#include <util/delay.h>
char testid[4]="3055";

//for ds1621char TempH;char TempL;char T[6];// for adcchar r [10];// analogfloat analog_data;
// for checkchar match=1;
//user id and pin
char ID[4];
//flagschar pin=0;char card=0;char validc=0;char validp=0;char lock=0;// for keypadint ID_position=0;int numb=0;
//for card readunsigned char next_bit;unsigned char ch=0x00;char state=0;int counter=0;unsigned char next_state=0;

void ADCinit(void){// AREF = AVcc and select channel 1ADMUX = (1<<REFS0)|(0<<MUX3)|(0<<MUX2)|(0<<MUX1)|(0<<MUX0);// ADC Enable and prescaler of 128// 8000000/128 = 62500ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);}
uint16_t ADCconvert(void){//Write a one to the status register to start conversion port C0/ ADC0ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);while(ADCSRA & (1<<ADSC)){}return(ADC);}
void analog_read(void){uint16_t t ;double f,temf;int i;int tmi;
t =ADCconvert(); // readf=5*(double)t/1024;//scale adc
//scale for 100%f=4.6-f;f=f/4.6*10;analog_data=f*10;// get data
// record in a string of value of analog data=f
//for restfor(i=0;i<4;i++){if(i==2) r[i]='.';else{temf=f;tmi=temf; // get digitf=f-(double)tmi; // rid digitf=f*10; // next digit
}}r[i]=37; // endr[i+1]='\0'; // end

void check(char *a,char *b, char i){ // checks a and b to i-th element and set match 1(same)/ 0 char j=0;match=1;for (j=0;j<i;j++)if(a[j]!=b[j]) match=0;

void Wait1s(){//Stop the Timerchar tmp;
TCCR1B = TCCR1B & 0x00;
//Clear Over Flow FlagTIFR1 = TIFR1 & ~(TOV1);
//Load the countTCNT1H = 0xff - 0x1e;TCNT1L = 0xff - 0x84;
//start the timerTCCR1B = TCCR1B | 0x05;
//While no overflow occuring it keeps loopingdo{tmp = TIFR1;tmp = tmp & (1 << TOV1);} while (!tmp);

void wait_10ms(){//first stop timer to load prescalerTCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0x00;//clear overflow flagTIFR2 = TIFR2 & ~(TOV1);//load countTCNT2 = 0xFF - 0x4E;//start timer, prescaled by 1024TCCR2B = TCCR2B | 0x07;char tmp;//check overflow flagdo{tmp = TIFR2;tmp = tmp & (1<<TOV2);} while (!tmp);}
void wait_5ms(){//first stop timer to load prescalerTCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0x00;//clear overflow flagTIFR2 = TIFR2 & ~(TOV1);//load countTCNT2 = 0xFF - 0x27;//start timer, prescaled by 1024TCCR2B = TCCR2B | 0x07;char tmp;//check overflow flagdo{tmp = TIFR2;tmp = tmp & (1<<TOV2);} while (!tmp);}

void check_for_button(){//Configure Outputs for Pin PadDDRB = DDRB | 0x38; //Set B3, B4, B5 as Outputs and set to low voltagePORTB = PORTB & !(0x38);
//Configure Inputs for Pin PadDDRB = DDRB & ~(0x07); //Set B0, B1, B2 as InputsPORTB = PORTB | 0x07; //Enable Pull up resistors
DDRD = DDRD & ~(1 << PORTD7); //Set up D7 as inputPORTD = PORTD | (1 << PORTD7); //Enable Pull up resistors on D7
char tmp; if(ID_position<4 && pin==0){ //check for total input ID
tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x01;if (!tmp) //B0 is pressed{pressed(1);
}tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x02;if (!tmp) {//B1 has been pressed
}tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x04;if (!tmp){//B2 has been pressed
}tmp = PIND;tmp = tmp & 0x80;if (!tmp){//D7 has been pressed
}wait_10ms();}else { //reset after 4 pin read ID_position=0;pin=1;}

void pressed(int row){char tmp;int r=row-1;r=r*3;PORTB = PORTB | 0x38;for(int j = 3; j<6; j++){
PORTB = PORTB & ~(1 << j);switch (row){case 1:tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x01; //B0if (!tmp){if(DebounPin(0)){lcd_putc ( '*' ) ; numb=(3-j)+ r+3; if(numb==10) numb=-6;else if(numb==11) numb=0;else if(numb==12) numb=-13; ID[ID_position]=numb+48;ID_position++;}}break;case 2://Row 2tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x02;if (!tmp){if (DebounPin(1)){
lcd_putc ( '*' ) ; numb=(3-j)+ r+3;if(numb==10) numb=-6; // 10th key is * so ascii is 42else if(numb==11) numb=0;// 11th is 0 so acii 48else if(numb==12) numb=-13;// 12th os # so ascii is 35ID[ID_position]=numb+48;ID_position++;}
}break;case 3://Row 3tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x04;if (!tmp){if (DebounPin(2)){
lcd_putc ( '*' ) ; numb=(3-j)+ r+3;if(numb==10) numb=-6;else if(numb==11) numb=0;else if(numb==12) numb=-13;ID[ID_position]=numb+48;ID_position++;}}break;case 4://Row 4tmp = PIND;tmp = tmp & 0x80;if (!tmp){if (DebounPin(3)){lcd_putc ( '*' ) ;numb=(3-j)+ r+3;if(numb==10) numb=-6;else if(numb==11) numb=0;else if(numb==12) numb=-13;ID[ID_position]=numb+48;ID_position++; }}break;}PORTB = PORTB | (1 << j); // reset port}}int DebounPin(int c){wait_5ms();int ifpressed = 0;char tmp;switch (c){case 0:tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x01;if (!tmp){ifpressed = 1;while (!tmp){tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x01;}}break;case 1://Row 2tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x02;if (!tmp){ifpressed = 1;while (!tmp){tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x02;}}break;case 2://Row 3tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x04;if (!tmp){ifpressed = 1;while (!tmp){tmp = PINB;tmp = tmp & 0x04;}}break;case 3://Row 4tmp = PIND;tmp = tmp & 0x80;if (!tmp){ifpressed= 1;while (!tmp){tmp = PIND;tmp = tmp & 0x80;}}break;}
return ifpressed;}int main(void){
// i2c
i2c_init(); // initialize I2C library i2c_start_wait(DS1621+I2C_WRITE); // set device address and write mode 0x90 i2c_write(0xAC); //command config resigter i2c_write(0x02); // write to config i2c_rep_start(DS1621+I2C_WRITE); // set device address and write mode 0x90 i2c_write(0xEE); // command write for conversions i2c_stop(); //adcADCinit();//lcdlcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON) ;/*a:if(card==0 && pin==0) // Idle condition{PORTD=PORTD & ~0x20; // setting PD5 low*/lcd_clrscr();lcd_puts("System active"); //}

while(1) {
// main part
lcd_clrscr();if(pin==0) ; //ask pinelse if(pin==1) { pin=0; } //unlock modewhile(!pin) // check for keypad{if(ID_position==0){
//todo: read adc
//todo: read tempi2c_rep_start(DS1621+I2C_WRITE); // set device address and write mode 0x90i2c_write(0xAA); // command write for conversionsi2c_rep_start(DS1621+I2C_READ); // set device address and read mode
TempH = i2c_readAck (); // read one byte from EEPROMTempL=i2c_readNak( );i2c_stop();// convert into stringT[1]=TempH%10+48;T[0]=(TempH-(TempH%10))/10+48;T[2]='.';if(TempL) T[3]='5';else T[3]='0';T[4]=223;T[5]='C';// displaylcd_clrscr();// display analog
lcd_gotoxy(0,0); lcd_puts(r); //display value
lcd_puts(" ");// seperator //display temp
lcd_puts(T); //display value

// display lock /unlocklcd_gotoxy(0,1); // go to 2nd line
if(lock==0) lcd_puts("UNLOCK "); // lock unlock stts displayelse if (lock==1) lcd_puts("LOCKED ");
lcd_puts("PIN:");//todo: buzzif((lock==1) && ((analog_data<50)||(TempH>35)) ){ // CONDITIONS for alarm//light----PORTC=PORTC | 0x02; // setting Pc0 high }if (lock==0) //light----PORTC=PORTC & 0xFD; // setting Pc0 low

_delay_ms(10); // need this for stable display
}check_for_button();}//check for pincheck(ID,testid,4); // match pin//display massagelcd_clrscr();lcd_puts("PIN Entered:");lcd_puts(ID); // display entered pinlcd_gotoxy(0,1); // nesst line
if (match==0) lcd_puts("Wrong PIN !");else if(match==1) {lcd_puts("PIN Granted !");//swap lockif(lock==0)lock=1;else if(lock==1)lock=0;}
pin=0;// may be flag for external add ons in the system ??for now it always 1 after checking keypadsWait1s(); // }
