My Top10 Bands/Singers

This page contains a list of my favourite bands and singers. The list is meant to be a top ten list, but frankly 10 was not enough.

Kevin Coyne

My entire life changed when my sister's boyfriend played me Kevin Coyne. Unfortunately, one of the tracks he played is almost impossible to get hold of. It is on Youtube though.

Phil Ochs

I was a huge Bob Dylan fan when I was growing up. I wanted to post "Positevly 4th street" by mean Bob Dylan, but I couldn't find a video. Although Dylan is more famous I still like Phil Ochs. He was more a political singer (actually he claimed he was a topical singer).

Steve Jessie Bernstein

A lovely piece of poetry can move a women's heart.

I once played this to a woman I was in love with, but it didn't presuade her to take me into her arms. This poem describes my life, even to the extent that I like to drink Grapefruit juice. 

I believe that Bernstein was in the same scene as Nirvana. He seems to be friends with William Buroughs 

Davy Graham

I hate musicians. I particularly dislike instrumental tracks. However, I do love the sound of Davy Graham. The guitar sound is so full of muscles. He did play Glasgow before he died. I wish I had gone to see him, but the drugs and booze broke him.

Kevin Coyne (again)

Pink Floyd

When punk exploded on the music scene in 1979 it totally passed me by.

I was listening to Pink Floyd another brick in the wall. As went on I started to like

the early Floyd stuff the best. Now I think that Floyd went downhill when Syd Barret left the band. When I was first given a clothes allowance I used the money to buy the two solo albums by Barret.

I believe Jeseus and Mary Chain used to cover "Vegtiable Man", but I can't find the track.

John Cale

When I first heard the velvet underground I was completely blown away. As I got older, I moved more towards John Cale rather than Lou Reed. Cale is the more interesting experimental artist.

Ornette Coleman

I find that much jazz is too intellectual for me. The freakzone show switched me on to free jazz.

The Marxist Brothers

When John Peel used to play the bands from Africa I was amazed by their sound. I don't listen to too much world music, but  what I hear is so different.

Paul K and the Weather Men

I am not sure why I like this but I do. I once thought I looked like Paul K, so when I went to one of their gigs I was expecting the band members to say to me. "Hey Paul, get up here to play". Some how I had forgotten I was Paul K. Anyway Paul was a lot taller than me.

Jaques Brell

I find this video amazing. I just love his hand movements. He sweating like a pig, but he still looks so cool. This is European cool at its very best.

Black Flag

I was looking through the above list. It looked all a bit quiet and folky. I needed some loud nasty sounds to bring some balance.