News and Events

District 8 Grand Lodge Meeting Saturday, March 18 1:00 PM @ Clarkson, Kentucky Elementary School. Click on address for directions. 310 Millerstown St, Clarkson, KY 42726

McHenry Lodge 800 presents Brother C.J. Kessinger with his 50 years of Masonic service pin. Congratulations C.J.

Time Capsule Buried by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere Unveiled Masonic lodge connections. The time capsule some 220 years after it was originally planted by Sam Adams and Paul Revere.

A Silver tablet, probably inscribed by Paul Revere, found among Contents of Boston Time Capsule Buried by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere. The silver tablet reminds us of just how instrumental the Masonic lodge was in the founding of our country. Mentioned in the inscription on the tablet is Massachusetts governor Sam Adams. The Massachusetts grand lodge's, most worshipful Paul Revere and right worshipful deputy grand master William Scollay.

Among the first items removed from the time capsule yesterday were folded newspapers, which Hatchfield stated were in “amazingly good condition.” There were five of them in all, including copies of the Boston Bee and Boston Traveller. Then came some 23 coins, in denominations of “half-cent,” penny, quarter, dime and half-dime. Some dated to the mid-19th century, while others were from 1795; a so-called “Pine Tree Shilling” dated to 1652. In addition, the box contained a copper medal with George Washington’s image and the words “General of the American Army”; a seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and a title page from the Massachusetts Colony Records. Finally, Hatchfield removed a silver plate with fingerprints still on it, bearing an inscription dedicating the State House cornerstone on the 20th anniversary of American independence in July 1795.


McHenry lodge # 800 Worshipful Master Allen Rowe presents Paul Miller with his Lambskin Apron at our January 5th meeting. Congratulations and welcome aboard Paul.

Brother Raymond Goodman receives 50 year pin.

Brother Harold Armstrong Most Worshipful past Kentucky Grand master congratulates Vernie Moseley on his 65 year pin.

Brother Harold Armstrong Most Worshipful past Kentucky Grand master visits McHenry Lodge 800.

McHenry Lodge 800 confers 65 year pin upon Vernie Moseley.

* McHenry lodge's food booth at the strawberry festival.

* Allen Ellis awards the 2014 McHenry F&AM Scholarship to Hunter Phelps. Hunter is from Cromwell, Kentucky and will be attending Owensboro community College in the fall. He is the grandson of Mike Fulton a past master of McHenry lodge.

Past recipients of the McHenry lodge scholarship include:

* 2013 Jane Ann Porter; Jane is the daughter of Daren Porter.

* 2012 Matt Taylor; Matt is the grandson of Wayne Lee Taylor.

* 2011 Chandler Martin; Chandler is the grandson of James Richard Parks.

* Mchenry Lodge confers 40 year pin upon Brother Elmer Daughtry in May 2014 Meeting.

* 2014 Masonic District 12 Meeting Saturday May 17th at the Clarkson, Kentucky grade school. Food at 5:00 PM;

Meeting at 6:PM.

* McHenry Lodge # 800 Will sponsor a food booth at the Beaver Dam Strawberry Festival Saturday May, 24th 2014.

New Entrance!!!!

75 year pin

Members of McHenry Lodge 800 Recently Presented Brother Lamastus with his 75 year pin.

Members of McHenry Lodge No. 800 drove three and a half hours to Pleasant Hill, Tennessee to present Hudnall Lamastus with his 75 Year Service Pin. Brother Lamastus is 102 years old. He is shown standing with his Masonic Cane that he hand carved himself. Members enjoyed some fellowship with Brother Lamastus, and were glad to be part of the presentation. Not one of them had ever seen a 75 Year Service Pin. Pictured, left to right: C. J. Kessinger; Mark Rowe; Allen Ellis; Wayne Lee Taylor; and Richard Parks.