

Patterns of invoicing currency in global trade: New evidence” (with E. Boz, G. Georgiadis, G. Gopinath, H. Le Mezo, A. Mehl and T. Nguyen), May 2022
Journal of International Economics 136, 2022
Working Paper Version (July 2020), winner of Central Banking's 2021 Economics in central banking award.
Invoicing data (as seen in The Economist).

"Industry Heterogeneity and Exchange Rate Pass-Through"
[For the BIS-CCA Research Network “Exchange rates: key drivers and effects on inflation and trade”]
Journal of International Money and Finance 106, 2020
Working Paper Version (March 2019)

"Dominant Currencies and External Adjustment" (with G. Adler, L. Cubeddu, G. Gopinath, N. Li, S. Meleshchuk, C. Osorio Buitron, D. Puy and Y. Timmer)
Staff Discussion Note No. 20/05, International Monetary Fund, 2020. 

"Dominant Currency Paradigm" (with G. Gopinath, E. Boz, F. Díez, P.O. Gourinchas and M. Plagborg-Møller)
American Economic Review 110(3), 2020.
Working Paper Version (Nov. 2019) and Online Appendix
[The latest version of this paper combines two earlier papers: Casas et al. (2017) and Boz et al. (2017)]

"La industria colombiana en el siglo XXI" (with J. E. Carranza, F. Arias, J. Bejarano, A. González, S. Moreno and S. Vélez)
Ensayos sobre Política Económica No. 87, Banco de la República, 2018.

Productividad y participación en el mercado exportador: evidencia del caso colombiano” (with F. Díez and A. González)
In Meisel Roca, A. and Vargas Herrera, H., editors, Ensayos sobre crecimiento económico en Colombia, chapter 4, Banco de la República, 2018.

Subsidios al consumo de los servicios públicos en Colombia ¿Hacia donde movernos?” (with P. Medina and M. Meléndez), Coyuntura Social, No. 33, 2005.
Complete report version

Evaluación del impacto del TLC entre Colombia y Estados Unidos en la economía del Valle del Cauca” (with N. León and M. Meléndez).
Cuadernos de Fedesarrollo, Vol. 16, 2005.

Working Papers

The Dominant Currency Financing Channel of External Adjustment” (with S. Meleshchuk and Y. Timmer), June 2023
(Previous versions: Borradores de Economía No. 1111, IFDP No. 1343)

The Colombian peso depreciation of 2014-2015 and the adjustment of trade in the manufacturing sector” (with J.E. Carranza and A. González), August 2020
Borradores de Economía No. 1125

"Heterogeneous Exporters: Quantitative Differences and Qualitative Similarities" (with F. Díez and A. González), March 2018

"Firm Productivity and Cities: The Case of Colombia" (with J. Balat), January 2018
Borradores de Economía No. 1032

"Productivity Measures for the Colombian Manufacturing Industry" (with A. González), June 2016
Borradores de Economía No. 947

"Subsidies to Electricity Consumption and Housing Demand in Bogotá", October 2014
Borradores de Economía No. 847

"Demand for a New Technology: The Adoption of Tractors by American Farmers", September 2014