

Monaco S, Malfatti G, Zendron A, Pellencin E, Turella L. (2019). Predictive coding of action intentions in dorsal and ventral stream is based on visual anticipations, memory-based information and motor preparation. Brain Structure and Function. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/480590.

Monaco S, Malfatti G, Cattaneo L, Culham JC, Turella L. Decoding motor imagery and action planning in the early visual cortex: overlapping but distinct neural mechanisms. (2020). NeuroImage.

Velji-Ibrahim J, Crawford JD, Cattaneo L, Monaco S. Action intention modulates the cortical representation of object features in the early visual cortex. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/480574.

Monaco S, Chen Y, Menghi N, Crawford JD. Action-Specific Feature Processing in Human Visual Cortex. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/420760.


Monaco S, Malfatti G, Pizzato L, Cattaneo L, Turella L. Decoding action intention from the activity pattern in the Foveal Cortex. Journal of Vision. 2018;18(10):72-72. doi:10.1167/18.10.72 (Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting Abstract).

Monaco S. The role of the early visual cortex in action. Journal of Vision. 2018;10(380). doi:10.1167/17.10.380 (Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting Abstract).

Velji-Ibrahim J, Crawford JD, Monaco S. Beyond sensory processing: Human neuroimaging shows task-dependent functional connectivity between V1 and somatomotor areas during action planning. Journal of Vision. 2018;18(10):70-70. doi:10.1167/18.10.70 (Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting Abstract).

Monaco S, Malfatti G, Culham J, Cattaneo L, Turella L. Decoding real and imagined actions: overlapping but distinct neural representations for planning vs. imagining hand movements. Journal of Vision. 2018;17(10):458-458. doi:10.1167/17.10.458 (Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting Abstract).