My research interests span a broad range of sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochemistry, and geochronology problems related to carbonate and siliciclastic deposits in marine and lacustrine basins. Specifically, my expertise is in the field of carbonate sedimentology and carbonate geochemistry with a strong background in geological, geochronological, and geochemical techniques.

My current research involves conducting scanning XRF micron-scale analysis of finely laminated sediment of Cretaceous OAE2 from Demerara Rise.

The objective of this research is to understand:

  1. What do these laminations represent?

  2. What are the sedimentary constituents of the laminations?

  3. Is there high-frequency sedimentary cycling within laminations?

  4. Are there changes in the XRF profiles/constituents for the analyzed OAE2 intervals?

In general my interests are:

  • Radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry in stratigraphic and paleoclimate analysis

  • Sedimentology, stratigraphy and astrochronology of marine and non-marine sediments

  • Carbonate and siliciclastic petrology, mineralogy and diagenesis

  • Carbonate geochemistry

  • Marine and non-marine sediment cyclicity

  • Strontium, carbon and oxygen isotopes geochemistry