Modern Theory of PDEs

This is a mainly linear PDE course at the MSc level. A syllabus for the course can be found at this

link under Math 534 .

Grading scheme: the full grade for the course is divided into

1. Two quizzes of reasonable length, one before and one after the mid-semester exam, 10% each

2. Mid-semester exam, 25%

3. Final exam, 40%

4. Homework, 15 %

Schedule: the class meets twice a week, Tuesday/Friday 3.30 pm - 4:55 pm. Homework will be

discussed roughly every other Saturday, starting 10 am.

Office Hours: Wednesday 4 pm - 5 pm.

References: We will indulge in equal opportunity stealing from among (but not limited to) the following


1. Gerald B. Folland, Introduction to partial differential equations. Second edition. Princeton University

Press, Princeton, NJ, 1995. xii+324 pp.

2. Jeffrey Rauch, Partial differential equations. GTM 128, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991. x+263 pp.

3. Michael E. Taylor, Partial differential equations I. Basic theory. Second Edition, Applied Mathematical

Sciences, 115. Springer, New York, 2011. xxii+654 pp.

4. L. E. Evans, Partial differential equations. Second edition. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 19. AMS,

Providence, RI, 2010. xxii+749 pp.

Contact information:

Email: or

Office: B1-B, Math Department (in the basement)

Random statutory comments/disclaimers:

1. There is no strict attendance policy, but such is strongly encouraged.

2. Regarding the homework, one is encouraged to discuss/collaborate with others, but final answers must

be scribed individually.

3. One is strongly encouraged to consult other standard texts in the field, to appreciate different tastes in

selection of materials, or differing slants on the same material.

Homework 1

Homework 2

Homework 3

Homework 4

Homework 5

Last Problem Set