Curriculum vitae


Masa-aki Yoshida Ph.D, Associate Professor

Marine Biological Science Section, Education and Research Center for Biological Resources, Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University

Kamo 194, Okinoshima-cho, Oki, Shimane, 685-0024, JAPAN

TEL +81-8512-3-1007 (Direct), +81-8512-2-1814 (Station representative)

FAX +81-8512-2-4357


2. Personal details

Date of Birth: 15. February 1982

Nationality: Japan

Gender: Male

Status: Married

3. Research ambition

Cephalopod molluscs (octopuses, cuttlefishes and squids) were classically interested by many researchers in neurology, zoology and evolutionary biology, since the cephalopods show remarkable evolutionary convergence to vertebrates in their neural organization, including (a) eyes and visual system with optic lobes, (b) specialized parts of the brain controlling learning and memory, such as vertical lobes, and (c) unique vasculature supporting such complexity of the central nervous system. I want to apply new cutting technologies at a molecular and genomic level to the cephalopods and figure out genomic background of parallel evolution.

4. Education



Ph.D in Biology

B.S. in Biology

Graduate School of Biological Science, Osaka University

Department of Biology, Osaka University

5. Professional experiences

6. Skills

Bench works:

Computer works:

Other research skills:

DNA and RNA purifications, Molecular cloning, DNA sequencing, QPCR, In situ hybridization, NGS library preparation, Paraffin thin sectioning, Cryo-sectioning, Electron microscope observation

perl, R, RNA-Seq assembly, Annotation, Molecular phylogenetic analysis

Aquarium tank maintenance, Anatomy, Microinjection

7. Grant supports

2017-2019 科研, 基盤研究(C) 特設分野「藻食性魚類腸管内微生物の有効活用を目指した海洋生物資源利用に関する基礎的研究」(分担:吉田真明)

2017-2019 国際研究助成, Human Frontier Science Program Grant, “How to make a heart beat? Basic principles for novelties and parallel innovations in cephalopods”(代表:吉田真明)

2017 公益財団法人藤原ナチュラルヒストリー振興財団第25回学術研究助成(動物学)「博物館収蔵標本を系統ゲノム解析に活用するための技術開発-頭足類八腕目に注目して」(分担:吉田真明)

2018-2020 日本学術振興会科学研究費 基盤研究(C)、(3300千円)「タコブネの殻にみる進化的形質の喪失と再獲得の遺伝的基盤」 研究代表 吉田真明

2020-2022 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー産業技術総合開発機構NEDO「海洋生分解性プラスチックの社会実装に向けた技術開発事業」/ 研究開発項目1「海洋生分解性に係る評価手法の確立」独立行政法人製品評価技術基盤機構 の再委託研究、令和2−4年度 総額 13,200千円.

2021 学術研究奨励金(研究助成) 自然科学部門 “藻食魚腸内細菌叢における海藻由来多糖類の利活用のための遺伝資源探索”. 研究代表者. 研究助成公益財団法人 三島海雲記念財団. 令和3年度. 受領額1,000千円.

2022-2025 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 「殻のないタコがもつ隠れた貝殻形成遺伝子の進化と機能」 研究代表 吉田真明

8. Publications

  1. Yoshida MA (First author), Tsuneki K, Furuya H. Phylogeny of selected Sepiidae (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) based on 12S, 16S, and COI sequences, with comments on the taxonomic reliability of several morphological characters. Zoological Science, 23(4):341-51. (2006) [Impact factor (IF): 1.240]

  2. Yoshida MA (First author), Tsuneki K, Furuya H. Molecular phylogeny among East-Asian cuttlefishes using three mitochondrial genes. In: Tanabe, K., Shigeta, Y., Sasaki, T. & Hirano, H. (eds.) Cephalopods - Present and Past, Tokai University Press, Tokyo, p. 15-21. (2010)

  3. Yoshida MA (First author, corresponding author), Shigeno S, Tsuneki K, Furuya H. Squid vascular EGF receptor: a shared molecular signature in the convergent evolution of closed circulatory systems. Evolution & Development, Wiely and Blackwell. 12(1): 25-33. (2010) [ IF: 3.179 ]

  4. Yoshida MA (First, corresponding author), Tsuneki K, Furuya H. Venous branching asymmetry in the pygmy squid Idiosepius (Cephalopoda: Idiosepiida) with reference to its phylogenetic position and functional significance. Journal of Natural history. 44(33–34): 2031–2039. (2010) [ IF: 0.782 ]

  5. Ogura A, Yoshida MA, Fukuzaki M, Sese J. In vitro homology search array comprehensively reveals highly conserved genes and their functional characteristics in non-genome sequenced species. BMC Genomics. 11 (4), S9. (2010) [ IF: 3.759 ]

  6. Yoshida MA (First author), Ishikura Y, Moritaki T, Shoguchi E, Shimizu KK, Sese J, Ogura A. Genome structure analysis of molluscs revealed whole genome duplication and lineage specific repeat variation. Gene, 483: 63–71. (2011) [ IF: 2.341 ]

  7. Yoshida MA (First author), Ogura A. Genetic mechanisms involved in the evolution of the cephalopod camera eye revealed by transcriptomic and developmental studies. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 24: 11:180. (2011). [ IF: 3.521 ]

  8. Miyazawa H, Yoshida MA, Tsuneki K, Furuya H. Mitochondrial genome of a Japanese placozoan. Zoological Science, 29: 223-228. (2012) [ IF: 0.952 ]

  9. Ogura A, Yoshida MA (equally contributed), Moritaki T, Okuda Y, Sese J, Shimizu KK, Sousounis K, Tsonis PA. Loss of the six3/6 controlling pathways might have resulted in pinhole-eye evolution in Nautilus. Scientific reports, 3: 1432. (2013) [ IF: 2.927 ]

  10. Sato N, Yoshida MA, Fujiwara E, Kasugai T. High-speed camera observation of copulatory behavior in Idiosepius paradoxus: Function of the dimorphic hectocotyli. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 79 (2): 183-186. (2013) [ IF: 1.358 ]

  11. Yoshida MA (First author), Yura K, Ogura A. Cephalopod eye evolution was modulated by the acquisition of Pax-6 splicing variants. Scientific reports, 4: 4256. (2014) [ IF: 2.927 ]

  12. Yoshida MA (First author), Yamada L, Ochi H, Iwata Y, Tamura-Nakano M, Sawada H, Sauer WH, Ogura A, Hirohashi N. Integrative omics analysis reveals differentially distributed proteins in dimorphic euspermatozoa of the squid, Loligo bleekeri. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 450(3):1218-1224. (2014)

  13. Yoshida MA (First author), Ogura A, Ikeo K, Shigeno S, Moritaki T, Winters GC, Kohn AB, Moroz LL. Molecular Evidence for Convergence and Parallelism in Evolution of Complex Brains of Cephalopod Molluscs: Insights from Visual Systems. Integrative and Comparative Biology 55(6): 1070-83. (2015)

  14. Kohn AB, Sanford RS, Yoshida MA, Moroz LL. Parallel Evolution and Lineage-Specific Expansion of RNA Editing in Ctenophores. Integrative and Comparative Biology 55(6):1111-20. (2015)

  15. Hayashi K, Kawai Y, Yura K, Yoshida MA, Ogura A, Hata K, Nakabayashi K, Okamura K. Complete genome sequence of the mitochondrial DNA of the sparkling enope squid, Watasenia scintillans. Mitochondrial DNA 27(3):1842-3. (2016)

  16. Sato N, Yoshida MA, Kasugai T. Impact of cryptic female choice on insemination success: larger sized and longer copulating male squid ejaculate more, but females influence insemination success by removing spermatangia. Evolution 71(1):111–120. doi: 10.1111/evo.13108. (2017)

  17. Miyamoto N, Yoshida MA, Koga H, Fujikura Y. Genetic mechanisms of bone digestion and nutrient absorption in the bone-eating worm Osedax japonicus inferred from transcriptome and gene expression analyses. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17:17. DOI 10.1186/s12862-016-0844-4. (2017)

  18. Yuyama I, Ishikawa M, Nozawa M, Yoshida MA, Ikeo K. Transcriptomic changes with increasing algal symbiont reveal the detailed process underlying establishment of coral-algal symbiosis. Scientific Reports 8(1):16802 (2018). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-34575-5.

  19. Hirosuke Hirao, Koetsu Kon, Masa-aki Yoshida, Ben Harvey, Davin H. E. Setiamarga. THE INFLUENCE OF CO2 SEEPS TO COASTAL ENVIRONMENTS OF SHIKINE ISLAND IN JAPAN AS INDICATED BY GEOCHEMISTRY ANALYSES OF SEAFLOOR SEDIMENTS. International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol.16, Issue 58, pp.82 – 89. (2019) DOI:

  20. Arimoto A; Hikosaka-Katayama T; Hikosaka A; Tagawa K; Inoue T; Ueki T; Yoshida MA; Kanda M; Shoguchi E; Hisata K; Satoh N. A draft genome assembly of the acoel flatworm Praesagittifera naikaiensis. GigaScience. 8. 10.1093/gigascience/giz023.

  21. Sato N, Tsuda SI, Nur E Alam M, Sasanami T, Iwata Y, Kusama S, Inamura O, Yoshida MA, Hirohashi N. Rare polyandry and common monogamy in the firefly squid, Watasenia scintillans. Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 3;10(1):10962. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68006-1. PMID: 32620906; PMCID: PMC7334199.

  22. Ono H, Yoshida MA(corresponding author). Direct RNA sequencing approach to compare non-model mitochondrial transcriptomes: An application to a cephalopod host and its mesozoan parasite. Methods. 2020;176:55‐61. doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2020.03.002

  23. Yoshida, MA., Imoto, J., Kawai, Y. et al. Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses of Bioluminescence Genes in the Enope Squid Watasenia scintillans. Mar Biotechnol 22, 760–771 (2020).

  24. Takegaki Takeshi, Nakanishi Ayako, Kanatani Yosuke, Kawase Shoma, Yoshida Masa-aki and Sato Noriyosi. 2020. Evidence of sperm removal behaviour in an externally fertilizing species and compensatory behaviour for the risk of self-sperm removal. Proc. R. Soc. B.2872020200420202004.

  25. Noriyosi Sato, Sei-Ichiro Tsuda, Md. Nur E. Alam, Tomohiro Sasanami, Yoko Iwata, Satoshi Kusama, Osamu Inamura, Masa-aki Yoshida & Noritaka Hirohashi. Rare polyandry and common monogamy in the firefly squid, Watasenia scintillans. Sci Rep 10, 10962 (2020).

  26. Tomone Ikai, Masahide Uomi, Diana Waturangi, Hiroshi Yonemitsu, Masa-aki Yoshida, Januarti J. Ekaputri, Davin H. E. Setiamarga*. MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF A CARBONIC ANHYDRASE- PRODUCING BACTERIUM ISOLATED FROM A NATTO IN INDONESIA TO BE USED IN BIOCONCRETE DEVELOPMENT. 6th Int. Conf. on Structure, Engineering & Environment 346 - 352 2020年11月

  27. Mutsuo Inoue, Yuhei Shirotani, Toshiki Morokado, Shotaro Hanaki, Masashi Ito, Hiroaki, Kameyama, Hisaki Kofuji, Akira Okino, Takafumi Shikata, Masa-aki Yoshida, Seiya Nagao. Kuroshio fractions in the southwestern sea of Japan; implications from radium isotopes. Continental Shelf Research, Volume 214, 1 February 2021, 104328.

  28. Masa-aki Yoshida, Masahide Uomi, Tomone Ikai, Tophil Ilado, Diana Waturangi, Januarti J. Ekaputri, Davin H. E. Setiamarga*, Irene L. G. Newton. Full-Genome Sequence of Bacillus safensis Strain IDN1, Isolated from Commercially Available Natto in Indonesia. Microbiology Resource Announcements 2021年

  29. Kazuki Hirota, Masa-aki Yoshida, Takehiko Itoh, Atsushi Toyoda, Davin H E Setiamarga. The full mitochondrial genome sequence of the greater argonaut Argonauta argo (Cephalopoda, Argonautoidea) and its phylogenetic position in Octopodiformes. Mitochondrial DNA B Resour. 27;6(4):1451-1453. 2021年4月

  30. Davin H. E. Setiamarga, Kazuki Hirota, Risa Ikai, Seiji Imoto, Noriyoshi Sato, Hiroki Ono, Yukinobu Isowa, Hiroshi Yonemitsu, Takenori Sasaki, Masa-aki Yoshida (co-corresponding author). Independent adoptions of a set of proteins found in the matrix of the mineralized shell-like eggcase of Argonaut octopuses. bioRxiv 2021年7月12日

  31. Riho Murai, Mamiya Shiomi, Masa-aki Yoshida, Satoshi Tomano, Yoko Iwata, Kyoko Sugai, Noritaka Hirohashi*. All the spermatangia on a female were implanted by single-pair copulation in giant squid Architeuthis dux. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 175 103585 - 103585 2021年9月

  32. S Odagawa, T Watari, MA Yoshida. Chinkui dermatitis: The sea bather's eruption. Qjm: An International Journal Of Medicine 2021年11月13日

  33. Davin H. E. Setiamarga, Kazuki Hirota, Masa-aki Yoshida, Yusuke Takeda, Keiji Kito, Keisuke Shimizu, Yukinobu Isowa, Kazuho Ikeo, Takenori Sasaki, Kazuyoshi Endo. Hydrophilic Shell Matrix Proteins of Nautilus pompilius and The Identification of a Core Set of Conchiferan Domains. Genes 12(12) 1925-1925 2021年11月29日

  34. Takeshi Kawashima, Masa-aki Yoshida, Hideyuki Miyazawa, Hiroaki Nakano, Natumi Nakano, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Mayuko Hamada. Observing Phylum-Level Metazoan Diversity by Environmental DNA Analysis at the Ushimado Area in the Seto Inland Sea. Zoological Science 39(1) 2022年1月28日

  35. Aoshi Kobayashi, Mayuko Hamada, Masa-aki Yoshida, Yasuhisa Kobayashi, Naoaki Tsutsui, Toshio Sekiguchi, Yuta Matsukawa, Sho Maejima, Joseph J. Gingell, Shoko Sekiguchi, Ayumu Hamamoto, Debbie L. Hay, John F. Morris, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Hirotaka Sakamoto. Vasopressin-oxytocin–type signaling is ancient and has a conserved water homeostasis role in euryhaline marine planarians. Science Advances 8(9) eabk0331 2022年3月4日

  36. Masa-aki Yoshida (corresponding author), Takuma Tanabe, Hideo Akiyoshi, Makoto Kawamukai. Gut microbiota analysis of Blenniidae fishes including an algae-eating fish and clear boundary formation among isolated Vibrio strains. Scientific Reports 12(1) 4642-4642 2022年3月17日

  37. Mutsuo Inoue, Yuhei Shirotani, Toshiki Morokado, Shotaro Hanaki, Hiroaki Kameyama, Hisaki Kofuji, Akira Okino, Masa-aki Yoshida, Shizuho Miki, Takafumi Shikata, Naoto Honda, Tetsutaro Takikawa, Masaya Morita, Seiya Nagao. Transport of reactive materials in the Sea of Japan: Implications from fine-resolution surface distribution of 228Th/228Ra ratio. Continental Shelf Research 241 104749-104749 2022年5月

  38. Tetsuya Matsunaka, Seiya Nagao, Mutsuo Inoue, Rodrigo Mundo, Saki Tanaka, Ning Tang, Masa-aki Yoshida, Masanori Nishizaki, Masaya Morita, Tetsutaro Takikawa, Nobuo Suzuki, Shouzo Ogiso, Kazuichi Hayakawa. Seasonal variations in marine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons off Oki Island, Sea of Japan, during 2015–2019. Marine Pollution Bulletin 180 113749-113749 2022年6月

  39. Yuka Kawase, Takuma Tanabe, Makoto Kawamukai, Masa-aki Yoshida (corresponding author). Whole-Genome Sequencing of Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain KAN5, an Agar-Degrading Bacterium Isolated from the Gut of an Alga-Eating Fish. Microbiology Resource Announcements 11(8) e0039822 2022年7月7日

  40. Masa-aki Yoshida, Kazuki Hirota, Junichi Imoto, Miki Okuno, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Rei Kajitani, Atsushi Toyoda, Takehiko Itoh, Kazuho Ikeo, Takenori Sasaki, Davin H. E. Setiamarga. Gene recruitments and dismissals in argonaut octopus genome provide insights to pelagic lifestyle adaptation and shell-like eggcase reacquisition. GBE (in press).

9. Invited talks

  1. Yoshida MA. Analysis for evolutionary peculiarity of cephalopods using the pygmy squid. 本部企画シンポジウム“明日のダーウィンを目指して”、進化発生学-非モデル動物からの挑戦-、第80回日本動物学会 (静岡) 2009

  2. 吉田真明、 オウムガイおよびイカ胚の比較RNAseqに見る頭足類カメラ眼の進化メカニズム、第2回NGS現場の会 (大阪) 2012

  3. 吉田真明、 ヒメイカのゲノムにみる巨大脳進化のメカニズム。一般シンポジウム「多様な軟体動物研究の魅力と新しい展開」、第83回日本動物学会大会 (大阪) 2012

  4. 吉田真明、ゲノム科学からみた頭足類。ミニシンポジウム「頭足類学の創成−水産学における応用的基礎として−」、平成26年度水産学会大会秋季大会 (福岡) 2014

  5. 吉田真明、生命情報と非モデル動物のハネムーン時代 ―イカ類の精子研究を題材に―。一般シンポジウム「海産無脊椎動物―生命情報の宝の山II―」、第85回日本動物学会大会(仙台) 2014

  6. Yoshida MA, Moroz LL. Molluscan-specific genes at synapse and brain. OIST Winter Course “Evolution of Complex Systems” (Okinawa) 2014.

  7. Symposium organizer for the joint meeting of the 22nd International Congress of Zoology and the 87th Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, November 2016

  8. Yoshida MA. Cephalopod genomics and the applications to evolutionary genomics and behavioral ecology. 2016’ International Cephalopod Fishery Meeting. Zhoushan, China. November 2016

10. Honors

  1. 2012-2015 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral Fellowship

  2. 2016 Young researcher Excellent Presentation Award, Annual meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter

  3. 2016-current International Exchange Committee, the Zoological Society of Japan, members

11. Other research achievements

  1. 吉田 真明. 日本産コウイカ類の系統。(2005)うみうし通信、水産無脊椎動物研究所、No.47: 2-3.

  2. 吉田真明. 4. ゲノム科学からみた頭足類 ミニシンポジウム記録 頭足類学の創成―水産学における応用的基礎として。(2015) 日本水産学会誌 81(1): p.137.

  3. 特願2010-265734, 特許番号5733742号 「新規遺伝子検出用マイクロアレイとその設計方法及びその応用」小倉 淳、瀬々 潤、吉田 真明、福崎 睦美。(2015)

  4. 秋吉英雄・吉田真明 ・川向誠. 藻食性魚類に生息する腸管内微生物の産業利用 を目指してアグリバイオ 44 (246)Vol.3 (3), 2019

  5. 幸塚 久典・中野 裕昭・吉田 真明. 島根県隠岐諸島から得られたトヤマヤツデヒ トデ(棘皮動物門,海星綱)と寄生性ハナゴウナ科の 1 種(軟体動物門,腹足綱). ホザキグリーン財団研究報告 第 2 号: 203 208 頁,2019 年 3 月

  6. 幸塚 久典・大森 紹仁・吉田 真明. 島根県隠岐諸島で得られたハナウスラヒトデ (棘皮動物門,海星綱,アカヒトデ目)の記録. ホシザキグリーン財団研究報告 第 2号: 209 213頁,2019年3月.

  7. 動物学会中国四国支部大会70周年記念誌 吉田 真明 8-9頁 動物学会中国四国支部 2018年 5月

  8. しまめぐり:隠岐の島. 吉田 真明. 新学術領域研究 ヤポネシアゲノム 季刊誌ヤポネシア第2巻あき号 11-12 (2020年11月)あき号_1120_ALL_online.pdf&disp=inline

  9. イカ・タコ類をモデル生物とするために:頭足類ゲノムの現在とこれから. 吉田真明. 海洋と生物 43(2) 日本の頭足類研究(1) (2021年4月)

  10. 日本の頭足類研究(1). 佐藤成祥, 岩田容子, 吉田真明, 広橋教貴 (共同編集). 海洋と生物 43(2) (2021年4月)

  11. 日本の頭足類研究(2) 佐藤成祥, 岩田容子, 吉田真明, 広橋教貴 (共同編集). 海洋と生物 43(3) (2021年6月)

11. Outer research informations

Research gate;