50th Year Reunion Highlights

Post date: Sep 12, 2011 6:39:21 PM

Class Poems

50th Year Reunion a Great Success!

From all accounts, our 50th year reunion held on Sept 9-11, 2011 was a weekend to remember! The different activities allowed time to meet each classmate and catch up on their lives. In many instances, classmates who hadn’t been in touch with each other in years were talking as if they had just seen each other a few weeks before, not five or 50 years ago. Also, there were many photos taken by several classmates and spouses. As we receive them, they’ll be loaded into the Photo Gallery.

The reunion weekend started off with a bang at the Blue Coyote Restaurant in Maynard. There were approximately 20 people in attendance. The evening served as an enjoyable ice breaker and got everyone in the mood for the weekend activities ahead.

Saturday morning was busy as ten people joined Judy DeGrappo Boyko in a “walk of Maynard” and tour of the new library (formerly the Roosevelt School) followed by lunch. At the same time, a robust golf tournament was played at Maynard Country Club. There were a few good golf shots, but many, many laughs, as the two foursomes made their way around the course. Of particular note was the play of Harry Whitney, who said he hadn’t picked up a club in 50 years (since he had actually worked at the course while in high school). Well, Harry carried his team to first place with many clutch shots and proved to be a natural golfer. Also on Harry’s winning team were Jim Murphy, Buddy Reynolds and Jerry Dee. Playing for the losing team (okay, the second place team) were Burt Taylor, Bob Taylor, Pat Crotty and Andy Boyko. The shot of the day was Bob Taylor’s chip in off the green for a birdie. Analysis of the day’s golf took place at the 19th hole following the match which everyone agreed was their favorite hole on the course.

The main reunion event started promptly at 6:00 pm in the Grand Ballroom at the Boxboro Holiday Inn. As the guests arrived, they checked in at the Reception table with Gloria Spratt and Greta Stamm and were given a name tag, a reunion booklet, and a unique black and orange coffee mug inscribed with the reunion date as a memento of the evening. After a few words of welcome, we had a Moment of Silence for our departed classmates. This year’s reunion booklet was dedicated to Ann Lawlor Tucker who passed away in 2010.

The out-of-staters were recognized: Harry Whitney and wife Vicky came in from Montana, Pat Crotty from Colorado, our Floridians (Carol Raikunen, Jim Murphy, Elaine Mariano, Annie Fraser, and Ken Troisi), and others from New York and most of the New England states. Of course, the majority of attendees were from the greater Maynard area.

The reunion committee members were recognized for their extraordinary efforts in planning and executing the reunion weekend. Special mention was made of Gloria Spratt who serves as our treasurer and record keeper, Judy Boyko who relentlessly dug up missing addresses and who wrote the intro pages to the reunion booklet, Judy Martino who managed the whole production cycle for the booklet printing (which she was able to complete at no cost to us), Dotty Morrison for maintaining our address database and for creating and supplying the beautiful table centerpieces, again at no cost to us, Betty Tompkins for coordinating all details with the Holiday Inn, and John Mancini for providing the music. A gift certificate was presented to Joe and Fransesca Lattuca for their generous hosting of the many committee meetings. A gift certificate was also presented to Kathy O’Sullivan, Jerry and Sandy Dee’s daughter, who created and maintains the class website.

Burt Taylor humorously presented trophies to the golfers from the morning’s tournament.

Pat Crotty kicked off the traditional Trivia Test which everyone completed while they dined. Some of the answers created discussion as to what indeed was the correct response. For example, how MANY slices made up a Maynard Pizza House pizza? Debate ensued as to if it was six, eight, or twelve. Six was deemed the correct answer. However, the debate rages on! Following dinner, the official class photo was taken. It was a little difficult to get everyone in the shot because of the large number of attendees. That’s the reason for the “angle” photos you see in the Gallery. And it may surprise you that those of us kneeling on the floor made it back up without incidence.

The rest of the night was spent visiting with each other, looking over the mementoes and photos that were out for display or just gabbing. Occasionally, a class member took the microphone to reminisce or share a thought. These included:

-Rick Fardy, who has made recent contact with our former English teacher Mrs. Dorothy Kitchen, brought along a copy of our yearbook and asked anyone who had her for a class to write a short note next to the classmate’s photo. Rick is then going to present the yearbook to Mrs. Kitchen.

-We got talking about other classmates in the elementary school years who did not finish up at MHS. John Ketola read off a list that he came up with and this initiated a discussion and remembrance of many others for a total of approximately 25 people.

-Ken Troisi had invented a unique Rubik’s Cube type of game a few years ago. He brought along enough games for each classmate. Thank you, Ken.

Reunion weekend ended with a Sunday morning brunch at the Holiday Inn. There were approximately 40 people who partook of the farewell breakfast. Many stayed until checkout time at noon.

All of the above is just a quick recap of the weekend. Words alone cannot express the excitement, emotion and spirit that filled the room. It is another testament to the close bond that the Class of 1961 enjoys.