50th Year Reunion

Top row Tom Quinn, Bob Taylor, Burt Taylor, Harold Whitney, Rick Fardy, Patrick Crotty, Ken Troisi, Jim Spratt, Pat Donohue, Tom Casella.

2nd row from top Don Crowther, Jim Murphy, Mike Sczerzen , Joe Lattuca, Walt Sarvela, Walt Reynolds, Ann Fraser, Janice Murphy, Carol DeRosa, Greta Kansanniva, Tom Lydon, Katherine Mackey, Al Bariteau, Judy Martino, Karen Sousa

3rd row from top Betty Tompkins, Bev Ives, Barri Sue McMahon, Carol Raikunen, Anne Marie Martucci, Karen Soroka, Janet McGarry, Gloria Konowicz, Janet Lindquist, Toni Nelson, Elaine Mariano, Frances Marsh

Bottom row Dotty Morrison, Judy DeGrappo, Jerry Dee, Bobby Hannon, John Ketola, John Mancini, Barry Heinonen

Emcee jerry Dee

REUNION COMMITTEE: Seated L-R: John Ketola, Greta Kansanniva Stamm, Gloria Konowicz Spratt, Judy DeGrappo Boyko, Judy Martino MacDonald, Carol DeRosa Viola. Standing L-R: Dotty Morrison Noyes, Betty Tompkins Lowe, Joe Lattuca, Barry Heinonen, John Mancini, Jerry Dee. Missing from photo: Toni Nelson Harrison.

Barry Heinonen and wife Ann

Judy DeGrappo Boyko dancing with John Ketola

Katherine Mackey Manosh with husband Larry

Janet McGarry Wattu and husband Bo

John Ketola and wife Mary

Who else in a white sport coat and pink carnation but John Mancini?

Harry Whitney and wife Vicky

A tribute to our departed classmates

Walter Reynolds and Pat Crotty

Alan Bariteau and wife Daryl

Rick Fardy

John Mancini and Karen Sousa Flynn w/ husband Gene

Joe Lattuca and John Ketola

John Ketola, John Mancini, Karen Sousa Flynn w/husband Gene, Betty Tompkins Lowe, Jerry Dee

Betty Tompkins Lowe and Annie Fraser

Pat Crotty and Janet Lindquist Black

John Ketola and Betty Tompkins Lowe

Harry Whitney

Walter Sarvela and Mike Sczerzen

Bob Hannon and wife Kathy

John Ketola and wife Mary

Al Bariteau w/ wife Daryl, Pat Donaghue w/ wife Elaine

Joe Lattuca and wife Francesca

Bob Taylor and wife Maryann

From another angle:

Top row Tom Quinn, Bob Taylor, Burt Taylor, Harold Whitney, Rick Fardy, Patrick Crotty, Ken Troisi, Jim Spratt, Pat Donohue, Tom Casella. In front of Pat Donohue and Tom Casella Tom Lydon and Eric French

2nd row from top Don Crowther, Jim Murphy, Mike Sczerzen , Joe Lattuca, Walt Sarvela, Walt Reynolds, Ann Fraser, Janice Murphy, Carol DeRosa, Greta Kansanniva, Katherine Mackey, Judy Martino, Karen Sousa

3rd row from top Betty Tompkins, Bev Ives, Barri Sue McMahon, Carol Raikunen, Anne Marie Martucci, Karen Soroka, Janet McGarry, Gloria Konowicz, Janet Lindquist, Toni Nelson, Elaine Mariano, Frances Marsh

Bottom row Dottie Morrison, Judy DeGrappo, Jerry Dee, Bobby Hannon, John Ketola, John Mancini, Barry Heinonen

Rick "Dutchie" Fardy

The Lattucas and the Ketolas

Harry Whitney and wife Vicky

Facing camera: Elaine Mariano, Toni Nelson

Judy Martino, Elaine Mariano

Judy Martino, Patrick Crotty, Elaine Mariano, Carol Raikunen

Bob Hannon and Judy DeGrappo

Marcia and Jim Murphy, Gloria Spratt (standing), Linda and Burt Taylor, Maryann Taylor (Bob's wife)

John Mancini, Janet Lindquist, Jerry Dee

Harry Whitney, Buddy Reynolds, John Ketola, Pat Crotty, Jerry Dee, Janet Lindquist

Carol Raikunen, Janet Lindquist, Judy Martino, Betty Tompkins, Annie Fraser

Friday night gathering: Harry Whitney and John Ketola

Walk of Maynard/Library Tour: L-R Linda Taylor, Ann Martucci, Marcia Murphy, Fran Marsh, Judy DeGrappo, Janet Lindquist, Annie Fraser, Carol Raikunen, Judy Martino, Betty Tompkins

Elaine Mariano, Judy Martino, Greta Kansanniva, Ann Martucci, Carol Raikunen

Pat Crotty and Jerry Dee

Pat Crotty, Jerry Dee

Walter Reynolds and wife Marcia

Rick Fardy, Kathy and Bob Hannon

Reunion Golf Tournament at Maynard CC: l to r: Pat Crotty, Bob Taylor, Walter Reynolds, Jim Murphy, Burt Taylor, Harry Whitney, Jerry Dee, Andy Boyko.

Pat Crotty, Burt Taylor

Walter Reynolds

Jim Murphy, Walter Reynolds, Jerry Dee

Burt Taylor w/wife Linda

Harry Whitney

Dottie Morrison Noyes w/husband Bob

Toni Nelson Harrison w/husband Wally

Carol Raikunen, Judy Martino, Karen Soroka

Judy DeGrappo Boyko w/husband Andy

Karen Sousa Flynn w/husband Gene

Walter Sarvela and wife Janet

Michael Sczerzen

Eric French w/wife Chris

Betty Tompkins Lowe w/husband John

Janice Murphy Troisi w/husband Ed

Tom Quinn w/wife Mary

Don Crowther w/wife Kathy

Tom Lydon w/wife Toni

Ann Marie Martucci w/ Ed

Carol DeRosa Viola w/husband Bob

Rick Fardy

Married classmates Gloria Konowicz and Jim Spratt

Pat Crotty and John Mancini

Alan Bariteau and wife Daryl

Pat Donaghue w/wife Elaine

Kathy and Bob Hannon