About our Program

Why do we need "gym"?

    • Center for Disease Control states, "Nearly half of young people 12-21 years of age are not vigorously active: moreover, physical activity sharply declines during adolescence...School-based interventions have been shown to be successful in increasing physical activity levels..."
    • Newsweek (2/96), "Physical activity is good not only for the heart, but also for the brain, feeding it glucose and oxygen, and increasing nerve connections, all of which makes it easier for children of all ages to learn. Numerous studies show that children who exercise do better in school."
    • Caterino & Polak (1999) suggest that such physical activity as running, jumping, and aerobic game playing have a definite impact of children's frontal lobe-a primary brain area for mental concentration, planning, and decision making.
    • Texas (1990) students involved in sports scored 17% higher than none-athletes.
    • Pollatschek & Hagen (1996) ,"Children who engage in daily physical education show superior motor fitness, academic performance, and attitude toward school as compared to their counterparts who do not have physical education.
    • (Sylwester) Movement facilitates cognition. Movement is a central mission of the brain.
    • (Jensen) Repetitive Gross Motor movement balances brain chemicals that calm behavior and elevates self-esteem and self worth, accommodates ADD/ADHD.
    • (Jensen) Motor skills are fundamental to learning. Memory is retrieved better when learned through movement.
    • (Dennison) Crossing the midline integrates the brain to organize itself. Neural activation occurs to many parts of the brain and equally to both hemispheres, making the brain more alert and energized for learning.
    • (Turrill & Lambert) Movement is Fun...


    1. Have fun, smile, and laugh.
    2. Enter the room walking.
    3. Listen & follow the directions.
    4. Raise your hand to ask a question

or to speak aloud in class.

    1. Keep your hands & feet to yourself.
    2. Encourage and support ALL.


Our classes will meet three to five days a week for thirty-five minutes each. Classes will be outside when the temperature are appropriate and it is not raining. During cool weather, students should bring jackets to wear when class is outside. During our cross-country ski unit a letter will be sent home with a list of appropriate clothing.

It is important for students to wear rubber soled shoes that cover the toes and heels for physical education class so they can participate safely in the activities. Students that occasionally forget their sneakers, however still have socks will be allowed to borrow sneakers for that days class. If girls wear dresses, they must wear shorts or tights underneath to participate.

Illness or Injury: If your child must be temporarily excused from activity due to illness or injury, please send a note to the physical education teacher. If the problem persists longer than one class please send a note from the doctor to the school nurse.