
Working Papers:

"Household benefits from energy efficiency retrofits: Implications for net zero housing policy",  with Nicholas Rivers and Kareman Yassin.  Submitted.

Media coverage and blog posts:

CBC news

CD Howe Institute

"Realized Savings from Canada’s Building Energy Codes,” with E. Alekhanova and K. Yassin.

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

"A Systematic Review of Energy Efficiency Home Retrofit Evaluation Studies", with Lauren Giandomenico and Nicholas Rivers. Annual Review of Resource Economics, Volume 14, 2022.

"Experimental Evidence on Heat Loss Visualization and Personalized Information to Motivate Energy Savings", with Nicholas Rivers. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Volume 111, January 2022, 102558. I was interviewed on this research in the Ergs and Equilibrium podcast.

"New insights on the energy impacts of telework in Canada," with Hannah Villeneuve, Ahmed Abdeen, Sharane Simon, Cynthia Cruikshank and William O’Brien. 2021. Canadian Public Policy 47(3): 460-477.

"Conditional Demand Analysis as a Tool to Evaluate Energy Policy Options on the Path to Grid Decarbonization," with Kareman Yassin, Guy R. Newsham and Sarah Brice. 2021. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol. 149, October. Working paper version.

"Utilities Included: Split Incentives in Commercial Electricity Contracts," with Katrina Jessoe and David Rapson. 2020. The Energy Journal 41(5): 271-297. Ungated version accessible here.

“Carbon emissions and business cycles,” with H. Khan, C. Knittel and K. Metaxoglou, Journal of Macroeconomics [Lead Article], Volume 60, June 2019, Pages 1-19.

"Energy Efficiency Premiums in Unlabeled Office Buildings" 2017. The Energy Journal 38 (4): 195-212. Working paper version. Ungated version here.

"Setting the Standard? Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Building Energy Standards" 2017. Energy Economics 64: 63-76. Working paper version.

"Distributional Determinants of Household Air Pollution in China" with K. Aunan and T. Berntsen. 2009. Environment and Development Economics 14: 621-639.

"An Economic Perspective on Experience Curves and Dynamic Economies in Renewable Energy Technologies" 2006.  Energy Policy 34: 422-432.

Work In Progress:

"Congestion Pricing, Air Pollution, and Respiratory Health: Evidence from the Bay Area" (with E. Alekhanova, K. Foreman and R. Stevens)

“Socioeconomic status and ambient air quality as determinants of COVID-19 infections” (with E. Alekhanova and E. Gilmore)