Short Bio & CV

Mauro Sozio is a Full Professot at Institut Polytechnique de Paris,  Telecom Paris the leading French engineering school specialized in computer science. He joined IP Paris in October 2011. Previously, he held a visiting scientist position at IBM Almaden (USA) and a senior researcher position at the Max-Planck Institute of Computer Science in Germany in the group of Gerhard Weikum. Mauro Sozio received his PhD in computer science from "Sapienza" university of Rome in 2007 where he also received a master in computer science (Summa Cum Laude). His PhD advisor was Alessandro Panconesi. During his studies as a PhD student he visited the computer science department of Cornell university, USA under the supervision of David Shmoys. His research interests include data mining and database problems with a focus on algorithm design and scalability issues.  More detailed CV .