
The ability to theorize is highly personal; it involves art, imagination, logic, and something more.

– Edwin Hubble

Neuron-glial circuits for plasticity and working memory

Neuron-Glial molecular switches across the cognitive spectrum

Astroglia cuts through the Alzheimer's manifold

Neuron-glial networks for working memory

Computational genomics of astrocyte mosaics in Alzheimer's progression

July 8, 2023. Workshop on "Glial engineering and gliotechnologies: Advanced materials, tools, and approaches to unveil the role of glia in brain physiology, diseases and in social behavior," XVI European Meeting of Glial Cells in Health and Disease (EUROGLIA). Berlin, Germany.

Neuron-Glial Switches

March 21, 2023. Academic Seminar, Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

Neuron-glial theory of working memory

The Tripartite Synapse and models of neuron-glial networks

July 16, 2022. Annual Meeting of the Organization of Computational Neurosciences. Melbourne, VIC, Australia. 

Computational Glioscience: Computational methods and modeling of astrocyte physiology and neuron-glia interactions for biomedical applications

April 30, 2021. Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB), National Research Council (CNR). Messina, Italy. 

Reverse engineering neuron-glial interactions: An overarching approach from cellular biophysics to medicine

July 11, 2020. Symposium on "Glia Interfaces: Technology and methods to uncover the 4D glia role in brain function and dysfunction," XII FENS Forum on Neuroscience, Glasgow, UK.

Mean-field analysis of history-dependent, stochastic activity in neuron-glial networks

Jan 13 2020, Workshop on PDEs: Modelling, Analysis and Numerical Simulation. University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

Synapse-glial interactions in regulation of network dysfunction underpinning cognitive impairment

September 5, 2019, Workshop on "New horizons on brain disorders: from clinical diagnosis to cell therapy and the impact on neuro-glial circuits structure and dynamics" -- 18th National Meeting of the Spanish Society for Neurosciences (SENC), Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Multistable neuron-glial networks in health and disease

Bistability of synaptic release in the presence of gliotransmission

Could we make something out of glia?

June 13, 2019, Computational Neuroscience Seminars, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.

Theory of Gliotransmission: Controversies vs. Consequences on Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity

April 25, 2019, State University of New York, Albany, NY, USA.

Emergence of multistability by neuron-glial interactions

Beyond trophism: Information processing emerging from astrocyte-synapse coupling

Functional implications of gliotransmission

Conditions for the observation of regulation of synaptic transmission by gliotransmitters

Mean-field theory of neuron-glia networks

April 28, 2017. INRIA, Nancy, France.

The Genius in the Brain*

An astrocyte hypothesis for persistent activity

Do astrocytes compute? Making the point on neuron-glia interactions

Astrocyte modulation of synaptic transmission

A modelling approach for the study of astrocyte regulation of short-term synaptic plasticity

The challenge of the astrocyte signaling network

Theory and modelling of astrocyte regulation of synaptic plasticity

Propagation of calcium pulses in astrocyte networks by nonlinear gap junctions

Propagation of calcium pulses in glia networks and disrupting factors: Hints from experiments and theoretical investigations and reflections on neurodegenerative disorders

July 5, 2010. Institute of Clinical Physiology, CNR, Pisa, Italy.

Brain coding*

November 16, 2008. Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.

A bifurcation approach to information encoding in intracellular Ca2+ signals.

April 17th, 2008. Workshop on Modelling Complex Biological Systems. University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden.

Coexistence of amplitude and frequency modulated intracellular calcium dynamics.

October 15th, 2007. International workshop on neuron-glia interactions: information processing and engineering perspectives. University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.

Astrocytes: Stars in the memory game