

"Could Spillovers from Multinationals Affect the Trade Activities of Local Firms?", 2022, with Iulia Siedschlag, Economics Letters, vol. 221(C).

"Non-trade Provisions in Trade Agreements and FDI", 2022, with Michael Gasiorek, European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 75(C). Featured in a column on VoxEU.

"Voluntary programs and emissions revisited: What is the effect of EU trade agreements with environmental provisions?", 2022, with Steven McGuire and Vikrant Shirodkar, Journal of International Business Policy, vol. 5(4), pages 467-489 . Featured in a column on VoxEU.

The Pursuit of Non-Trade Policy Objectives in EU Trade Policy”, 2021, with Ingo Borchert, Paola Conconi and Cristina Herghelegiu, World Trade Review, vol. 20(5), pages 623-647, December . Featured in a column on VoxEU.

Investment in Knowledge-Based Capital and Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence from a Small Open Economy”, 2021, with Iulia Siedschlag, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 67(2), pages 363-393, June.

"International trade regulation and job creation", with L. Alan Winters, 2020, IZA World of Labor, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), pages 1-75, February.

Innovation and Self-Employment”, 2020, with Tommaso Ciarli and Maria Savona, in K. Zimmermann (eds), Handbook of Labour, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, Cham.

Working Papers:

"Inclusive Trade: Four Crucial Aspects", 2022, with Amrita Saha, Mary Abounabhan, Marzia Fontana, and L. Alan Winters, IDS Working Paper 564, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.

"Deep Services Trade Agreements and their Effect on Trade and Value Added", 2021, with Ingo Borchert, Policy Research working paper no. WPS 9608, Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.

Go Ahead and Trade: the Effect of Uncertainty Removal in the EU’s GSP Scheme”, 2020, with Ingo Borchert, Working Paper Series 0520, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School. Featured in a column on VoxEU.

"Developing Country Trade Access after Brexit: the UK's Plans for the Generalized System of Preferences", 2020, with L. Alan Winters, Max Mendez-Parra, Lee Robinson and Ian Mitchell, Center for Global Development Policy Paper 187.

Productivity Spillovers from Multinational Activity to Local Firms in Ireland”, with Martina Lawless and Iulia Siedschlag, OECD Productivity Working Papers, 2018-16, OECD. [under review]

The Cost of Imports and the Reaction of Trade: Lessons from the Trade Collapse”, 2020.

Determinants of Firms’ Inputs Sourcing Choices: The Role of Institutional and Regulatory Factors”, with Iulia Siedschlag, ESRI Working Paper 599.

"The Impact of Investment in Innovation on Productivity: Firm Level Evidence from Ireland", with Iulia Siedschlag, 2017. ESRI WP No. 571.

Product Cost-Share: a Catalyst of the Trade Collapse”, 2016, WP No. 8015, Department of Economics, University of Sussex.

Work in Progress:

"Do Wages Benefit from Productivity Growth? Evidence from UK Firms and Labour Markets", with Tommaso Ciarli and Maria Savona.

"Determinants of EMAS adoption by MNE’s subsidiaries", with Steven McGuire and Vikrant Shirodkar.

"What’s next? Returning to Exports after a Failure", with Zuzanna Studnicka.

"From Innovation to Exporting in Times of Crisis”.

Policy Papers and Reports:

“A post-Brexit Generalized System of Preferences for the UK: how to guarantee unchanged market access for developing countries?”, 2019, UKTPO Briefing Paper 32.

“The performance of the Single Market for goods after 25 years”, 2019. DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission. Framework Service Contract “Studies in the Area of European Competitiveness” (ENTR/300/PP/2013/FC-WIFO).

“Comparative performance of indigenous and multinational firms operating in Ireland”, 2018, Report No. 28182, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission. Framework Service Contract “Studies in the Area of European Competitiveness” (ENTR/300/PP/2013/FC-WIFO).

“Investment in Knowledge-Based Capital and its Contribution to Productivity Growth: a Review of International and Irish Evidence”, 2017, ESRI WP No. 557.

“Intra-EU Production and Trade Linkages: Firm-level Analysis”, May 2017, in Drivers and Obstacles to Competitiveness in the EU: The Role of Value Chains and the Single Market; EC DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship; Framework Service Contract No. ENTR/2009/033.

“Quantitative analysis of investment needs, financing gaps and barriers to investment”, November 2016, in Study on Investment Needs and Obstacles along Industrial Value Chains, Framework Service Contract No. ENTR/300/PP/2013/FC-WIFO.