
Economic analysis of social policy (Bachelor's degree, 2nd year, University of Bordeaux)

History of economic thought (Bachelor's degree, 2nd year, University of Bordeaux)

Economic sociology (Bachelor's degree, 2nd year, University of Bordeaux)

Economics of inequality (Master's degree, 1st year, University of Bordeaux)

Health, nutrition and development (Master's degree, 2nd year, University of Bordeaux and University Pau Pays de l'Adour)

Poverty and social policies (Master's degree, 2nd year, University of Bordeaux)

Poverty and vulnerability (Master's degree, 2nd year, Sciences Po Bordeaux)

Microeconometrics applied to development economics (Master's degree, 2nd year, University of Bordeaux)

Panel data econometrics (Master's degree, 2nd year, University of Bordeaux)