Letter to NICU families

Congratulations! We are so happy to welcome your sweet baby to the world! We know you have already met some extraordinary people; the NICU staff is amazing and will take such good care of your baby. The NICU can be a scary and intimidating place, but also a place full of miracles. We hope you will visit often. Your precious baby wants you near.

Matthew Love was a NICU patient and loved to hear stories. The stories we were able to share let Matthew know we were with him. We really believe that’s how he learned to recognize us when we arrived at his bedside.

We were so touched by the many kindnesses visited upon us during our stay in the NICU that we wanted to bring that kindness to others. This book is our special gift to you. It was one of Matthew’s favorites, and we hope it will soon be one of yours.

There are so many good reasons to read to your baby. It creates a bond between you. It promotes language development. The sound of your voice is a beacon of calmness, conditioning your child to associate you and the book with security. The sooner babies are exposed to reading, the better they do in school.

As you read to your baby, please know that we have been where you are and we are sending our love and best wishes your way. Enjoy every moment you spend together.